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"Open the door, Brit."


"Open this fuckin' door or I'll kick it down."

Sighing, I walked over to my bedroom door and flicked the lock that was down. Then, I sat back on my bed and waited.

Liam pushed open the door hastily, causing a breeze as he stepped inside. His hair was messy, the shirt he had on wasn't buttoned up right and his coat was hanging off his shoulders so loosely it looked like it was about to fall off.

But his eyes were still so blue.

"I'm sorry."

"For?" I answered bluntly, picking at my nails.

"For being a dick?" He said, more a question than an answer.

I just sighed.

"How about for cheating on me time and time again and then pretending like nothing happened? How about getting angry at me for spending time with a friend and not you only days after I caught you kissing another girl? How about all that?"

Walking over to the window, I placed my hands on the windowsill and looked out over the fields that backed onto the house.

I heard Liam move behind me and then, felt the weight of his hands as the slid around my waist, and the sensation of his lips on my neck.

"I said, darling, that I'm sorry."

I paused for a moment. He carried on kissing my neck, my jaw and the side of my lips, grazing over them ever so slightly as the scent of his aftershave sunk into my skin.

"Well sometimes," I said, pushing Liam off me, "Sorry isn't good enough."

I almost caved, but I didn't. I thought back to the advice David had given me a few weeks ago.

"Well next time you're about to let him kiss you, hug you, even just touch you, remember that feeling you've got right now, and remember that he did that."

I desperately wanted Liam to kiss me, to hold me and to love me. But there had to come a time when I made a point to him.

Would it be now? I hoped it would.

"Brit, you're everything I need. You're far smarter than me, you tell me when I'm being stupid and when I'm talking shite. You know when I'm upset or pissed off about something, you know when I need a pint or when I need a cig. You know me inside out, better than I know myself.

"You're the most beautiful girl in the whole fuckin' world, and I absolutely love it when I take you out and I've got you holding my hand or my arm and I see lads turn and stare, look you up and down. It makes me feel like I've won the lottery, y'know what I'm saying love?

"I've made mistakes, granted, but when I look at you I see us together forever. I can't imagine being without you, no matter what your brother thinks, or anyone else. It's you Brit, it's always been you and it will always be, just you."

He stood and stared at me with those iridescent blue eyes of his, not looking away for even a second.

His coat was on the floor and his hands were sunk deep into the pockets of his jeans, the collar on his shirt now up instead of down. Not a pair of sunglasses in site. He didn't want to hide, anymore.

"I can't say anymore, Brit. I love you, I'm fuckin' in love with you alright. 'Kin hell."

He sat down on the edge of my bed, resting his head in his hands as he stared at the wall in front of him whilst I still stood by the window, thinking.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't picture life without Liam. I had loved him since the day I met him. I didn't remember what it was like to not hear his voice, to not listen to him and Noel argue, to not smell his aftershave and to not feel and crave his touch.

"You hurt me, Liam. You've hurt me a lot, I hope you know that."

I looked at him, his eyes glazed over with tears and I could tell he was biting his tongue so he didn't cry in front of me.

"It kills me to know that, darling. I'm fuckin' sorry."

I always managed to convince myself that he meant it. Sometimes he did, other times he didn't. And at that moment, I wasn't sure either way.

I sat by his side as he looked at me again.

"I can't keep giving you these changes."

"Just one more, that's all I'm asking." He said, licking his lips as he looked at me, his hands gripping mine, "I promise that I will never, ever hurt you again."

Liam had promised me many things, happiness, nice clothes and good sex. But never hurting me was something I didn't know if he could pull through on.

But I couldn't say no to him, and I didn't want to let him go. I was lost without him.

"Ok," I nodded, letting out a sigh, "Alright, Liam."

I had never seen him so relieved but it was like I felt his emotion as he threw his arms around me and pulled me into him. Without even thinking, my reaction was to wrap my arms around his neck and rest my head against his shoulder, feeling his breath hit my skin as his arms cradled me tighter.

"Me and you are gonna last till the fuckin' end, I promise you that. We're gonna get married one day and have loads of kids and give em proper cool names. We'll take over the world, me and you."

I believed him, and I wasn't a fool to, either. We lived happily together for months on end and there wasn't a single moment when I doubted Liam.

But that changed one night when Liam left to play a show in Glasgow.

// hey! i've been proper busy with work and assignments and all that so i've had little time to write. It's a two week break soon though so I'll make sure I get more chapters up then!

Thanks for reading, remember to drop a comment! Do you think Liam will keep his promise? What happens in Glasgow? And what about Damon, and maybe even David?

Let me know your thoughts!//

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