Chapter 1 Moving Day

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Chapter one. Moving Day

I’m Molly Ann Fitzgerald, and it‘s moving day, I’m moving out of my parents house, into my very own apartment with my bestie Stephanie. The weather in Dallas, Texas is sunny and beautiful. I’m so glad Stephanie and I stuck with our plans. Our plans were to graduated high school, find jobs, like, I work data entry at my Moms Medical product store. Stephanie works at Victoria secret. Her Mom is the manager so guess what? Discount’s baby!

Anyway, we worked, saved up our money, and rented, a small, cute apartment, five miles away from our parents. And to get away from my high school sweetheart Mark, who cheated on me our senior year. It’s okay, I moved on.  My number one priority is to be far away from parents, and ex boyfriend.

My parents, and Stephanie’s newest boyfriend Jack, just moved in all our furniture. Now all we have left to move in is boxes. I was so happy when my parents drove away. It was like yes freedom! I can do whatever I want. Living on our own is going to be awesome. 

Mom mentioned that we have no couch, but I told Mom Stephanie has a couch. I told Mom I got this, stop worrying. Mom thinks we don’t know anything about living on our own, but I’m going to prove Mom so wrong. I’m eighteen, and by the laws in Texas, an adult. And as an adult I’m old enough to sign a lease. That’s right, I’m not a child anymore. Wait. hold-up. Where did I put Tiny? I can’t sleep without him.


“What? Can’t you see I’m busy?” 

“Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t know making out on OUR couch equals busy!” 

“It’s MY couch, thank you very much.” she reminded.

“Yes whatever, Have you seen Tiny?” 

“Aw what’s duh matter you cant find your Tiny ” she teased.

“Who‘s Tiny ?” Jack asked.

“None of your business” 

I told her newest boyfriend Jack.

Stephanie seems to go through boyfriends, faster than she goes through shoes. And Stephanie loves shoes, and changes them a lot. 

“Jack! Didn’t you see her bring Tiny in as soon as we got here.” Stephanie laughed.

“No I was a little bit busy helping her Dad carry in this couch.” Jack explained.

“Tiny is her huge stuffed mouse.” 

“That shouldn’t be hard to find, find it yourself Molly.” Jack teased sarcastically.

 I looked in my bedroom, and there it was, on the floor between the bed and wall where I couldn’t see it. 

“Found it.”

I told them, as if they cared.

“We don’t care, but thanks anyway.” 

I noticed they weren’t helping with boxes. 

“Hello boxes please!”

 I reminded them.

“Yeah, get right on it Mom.” 

Stephanie was being a ass.

I brought in a couple more boxes, started unpacking, while they giggled, played, and kissed on HER couch. I continued this until I had done all the work. Then I called and ordered a pizza for me. That’s right me. They could starve or whatever.

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