Chapter 3 Dive-Bomb

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In the morning, I went to work. When I got home, I saw Stephanie on the couch hugging some dude watching TV. I assumed it must be Bruce. A.K.A  Big Daddy. Which in reality is probably more like A.K.A Complete Ass. I knew I was making huge assumptions, without really getting to know the guy. Who knows, I mean maybe he was really nice. I highly doubted it though. After all, I’m sure all those girls don’t call him big daddy for nothing. Unless he just made that up to look cool. And if he made it up, then I’m ninety-nine percent sure my first assumption is correct. Complete Ass. 

“So this is Bruce.” 

Stephanie introduced us.

“Hi I’m Molly.” I played nice.

“Nice to meet you Molly. I was just telling Stephanie what a beautiful apartment you guys have.” 

He smiled super nice like.

“Yes it is, I’m growing very fond of it.”

 Hmm overly nice, complimentary, yep another sure sign he‘s a complete ass. I’ve watched enough girls deal with these types. They’ll be all like super nice, then boom ass- time. That’s word play I made up for when someone decides to be an ass. Stephanie should know better. 

“I thought we could make Bruce some dinner, he was telling me he hasn’t had any home style cooking in like forever.” 

She said making a pout face.

I felt so not sorry for this dude, as far as I was concerned he could go to his house, apartment, or whatever he lived in, and make his own home cooked food. Like every other adult in the world. He just wants to get served. I see ass time is starting early.

“Really, that’s interesting Bruce. Do you not know how to cook?” 

I smirked, wow now I was being the ass. I’ve been know to create ass time too.

“Molly can I see you a minute in the other room?” 

Stephanie motioned for me to go into her room, her jaws were clinched hard enough to give herself temporomandibular joint disorder. Better known as TMJ, my aunt had it excruciating.

We walked into her bedroom, she closed the door, so I jump right in, before she could even open her clinched up mouth.

“What the hell Stephanie. I’m not cooking this ass anything. He just wants to get pampered. And you just meet him like yesterday.” 

I was super pissed

Stephanie defended herself.

"It was two day's"

I rolled my eyes “Really one day, two, who cares.”

She gave me her puppy dog eyes “Please..” 

She begged, drawing out her please like a child. A braty child.

“I so don’t wanna cook for this dude but, I will do it ONLY to make you happy. Got it!” I scolded.

“Yes I got it.” 

She excitedly and quietly squealed like a child.

“AND, I can’t stress this enough, you owe me. MEANING.. You will pull your weight around here. You will stop being lazy, and help me keep our apartment clean.” 

I scolded pointing at her. 

“Oh you sound like.”

“Let me stop you right there, next time you tell me I sound like your Mom. I will smack you with Tiny and you know his little beady eyes hurt.”

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