Chapter 4 Visit With Cat Lady

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We had a normal week, no dudes, no arguing and Powder Puff didn’t dive- bomb any nuts. At least not to my knowledge. Just working, cleaning, and hanging out together. We worked on our college applications, and played with Powder Puff. She was an amazing kitty.

That Crazy Cat lady wasn’t crazy after all. I decided to go and visit her, so she could see Powder Puff. And I could tell her about what I like to call The Bruce Lee Nut Attack.

“Stephanie, I’m walking over to visit the Cat Lady you should come with me I want you to meet her.” 

“I'm coming, I''m dying to check her out.” Stephanie smiled.

“You'll like her, she's a weird ol Lady."

I grabbed Powder Puff.

We walked over, it was pretty and sunny out. She was out back watering her grass.. As we got closer, I noticed she had a small garden in back. We came up to her fence to say hi.

“Hey! Just wanted to stop by and let you see the kitty.” 

We both smiled at her.

“Heavens to Betsy! I look a mess. Never mind that how’s that sweet kitty doing?” 

She smiled happily.

“She’s great!” I told her “This is my best friend and room mate Stephanie.” 

“Nice to meet you.” 

The cat lady reached out for Stephanie’s hand.

Stephanie shook her hand.

“So what cha think about the kitty Stephanie?” 

“She's adorable, thank you, Molly named her Powder Puff!” 

Stephanie held up Powder Puff so we could all adore the cuteness. 

“That is such a dat gum pretty name, for a pretty kitty. Now she hasn’t got herself into any trouble has she?” 

“Oh no, but she sure did stop some trouble. Powder Puff caused a Bruce Lee Nut Attack.” 

Stephanie and I giggled.

“Nut what? Well I’m about to make some cabbage soup, you should stay for dinner and tell me all about it.” 

She seemed excited, and I knew she was a little lonely. I really didn’t think cabbage soup sounded very good but, I gave Stephanie my lets- be- nice- look.

“Um well what do you think Stephanie?” 

“Sounds good to me.” 

Stephanie winked.

“Nice, come own back. Now you girls come help me pick some cabbages.” 

We walked into her backyard. Stepping over a couple of cats who were in the way.

“Move Charlie Dagnabit! Always in somebody’s way.”  

“I don’t know how to pick cabbage.” I told her.

“Its easy as pie, you just grab it and pull.” she laughed.

“Like this.” Stephanie said.

Stephanie pulled hard, and fell on her butt holding a large cabbage with its soil packed root.

“Jumping Johosafat! Now I didn’t mean for you to hurt your booty- butt.” she giggled.

I picked one, and it came right out easily. It was pretty cool.

“Holy cow! you girls are strong. I think that’s good.  We got enough to feed an army now.” 

She had us go inside, and sit down at her kitchen table. She got out a cutting board, and started washing and chopping cabbage. 

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