Chapter 7 Bean Bag Hangover

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At 2am, Mark and I were sleeping soundly and butt- naked on the bean bag.  Powder Puff had eaten the chocolate left on the floor. If that wasn't crazy enough, Stephanie and Johnny came back to find this little bean bag situation going on. 

“What is going on?” Stephanie laughed.

She Startled me right out of a good dream, I woke up. I saw Stephanie with Johnny standing in the middle of the living room both staring at us. Mark didn't wake up, he was snoring. I pushed Mark.

“No I don’t have too.” Mark mumbled.

I pushed him again.

“Mark wake up.” I spoke loud.

“I didn't do it” Mark mumbled again.

“Oh he did it alright”

Stephanie laughed giving Johnny a fist bump. Really? I thought, how childish.

“Do you mind, we need a few minutes.” I told them.

They went into Stephanie’s room. Gawd kill me now!

I pushed Mark again.

“Mark get up now!” I spoke louder.

“What? What’s going on.” he still seemed foggy.

“We apparently fell asleep butt- naked on this bean bag. Stephanie and Johnny just walked in on us. Now they know.

“Oh no.” 

Mark jumped up.

He handed me my clothes. Then he grabbed his. We got dressed. We both had popcorn in our hair. Popcorn and candy wrappers littered the floor. We noticed Powder Puff walking around with chocolate all over her.  It was like a bad version of the Hang Over movie, bean bag style.

“Jeez, popcorn in our hair, what the hell did Powder Puff do.” I complained.

I looked at Powder Puff again, she looked funny with chocolate all over her white fluff, she looked like a chocolate covered marshmellow. She was playing with a piece of popcorn, zooming around batting it all over the floor.

“It looks like she was eating chocolate.” 

Mark laughed shaking his head.

“She looks awful.” I giggled.

“Should we take her to the vet? Do you think she'll get sick?” 

“That kitty is tough, I think chocolate only kills dogs.” 

“Is it safe yet.” Stephanie yelled.

“It's safe.” 

This must be what if feels like to get caught by your parents. I was so embarrassed. They came back out. Johnny was very nice about the whole thing. 

“You guy's really know how to party.” 

Johnny giggled batting his sexy Johnny eyes.

“Ya were real party animals.” I sarcastically said.

I felt so stupid.


Johnny smiled sexy.

“So why do you have popcorn everywhere, and why does Powder Puff have chocolate all over her fur.” 

Stephanie asked with arms crossed like I was in trouble or something.

“Lets talk in the morning.. please.” I begged.

“Okay good night party people.” 

Johnny said with his sexy Johnny voice.

 “Lets go in my room and sleep.” I told Mark.

We went into my room. We slept great we were still tired from all the freaky bean bag sex, and commotion of getting caught naked. Powder Puff slept on Tiny, I put a towel down so she wouldn’t get Tiny covered in milk chocolate. Morning came, and Stephanie was in the kitchen making some breakfast. Mark and I woke to the smell of pancakes. I noticed Powder Puff wasn't in my room anymore. I sat up stretching, and smiling at Mark. It was awesome to wake up next to him. 

“That was amazing, but I have to go to work.” he said.

“Can’t you stay and eat some breakfast.” 

“I better go I have to be there at nine, and I need a shower.” 

“Aw will I see you tonight?” 

I asked in my most sweetest sexy baby girl voice.

“You can see me every night.” 

With that said I put on my robe and walked him to the door. At the door he gave me the biggest kiss I think he’s ever giving me.

“Back to your room!” 

Stephanie demanded like she was the sex police.

“Don’t worry he’s leaving.” I told her.

“That kiss was to hold you over till tonight.” 

He whispered in my ear.

I closed the door. I was all tingly. I had a Mark high going on. I looked down, I noticed Powder Puff was all clean and spiky. Spiky?

“What's going on with Powder Puff, her fur looks spiky?” 

I asked Stephanie puzzled.

“I gave her a bath. I used some hair spray to help her fluffiness.” 

“Seriously Powder Puff doesn’t need help with her fluffiness. She has all the fluff she needs. 

I reached down to pick her up and she felt like a porcupine.

“Ouch, she’s all prickly, I think you used to much hair spray.” 

“Ya I think I did. She was liking the hair spray. Which is weird. Every time I stopped she would meow loudly and push my hand so I kept spraying her.”

“Don’t keep spraying her silly. So lets make a mental note. No hair spray, no chocolate.

“Right mental note taken.” 

“So we don’t have classes today, we don’t go to work until this afternoon. So lets do something together.”

“Sure, but first tell me what happened last night? I knew you still loved Mark.” 

“Your right I never stopped loving Mark. And last night was amazing." 

"So... tell me?" Stephanie grilled.

"Let's just say I'll never think about bean bag's the same way again." 

I winked 

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