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Hi, my name is Ade,I am 14 years old, i attend Honeyland secondary school Nigeria,i am in year one, well whatelse hmm yeah; I play for the same team, still figuring out things, no one knows just me, people might guess it, but it stays a hunch untill i tell you i am or i am caught in the act lol.

Tomorow is monday, the start of a new school year. I hope its not a total waste as my previous 3 years of junior high. I know there will be new students, new boys. I will try not to fixate on them, but i know i cant help but wonder who is like me?

The bus arrives at 6:35 am, a 30 minute drive and other few stops to school, brings me enough time to copy some assignments i did not do at home and few minutes to talk to my friends before the general assembly for 7:45am. I notice some new faces, especially in the junior school (freshers),I am a fresher myself in the senior high but i already have my friends.
After the brief assembly, we gathered in the school hall for a ceremony, the school is celebrating its 10th aniversry.

In class next to me is a new face, a cute one, i want to be his friend. Hi, what's your name. He told me his name is Tope, i introduced myself and offered to help him with his schedule, we offer similar classes except for agric, accounting and Home economics.

"He is gay" "maybe not" or i want him to be.
I definately want him to be, heck i want half the class to be gay and out. I have never met or heard of any gay and out Nigerian, how cool would it be to all be out, then i wont have to .....

..... I wont have to fixate on straight guys in class.

After 5 periods we were already tight, at the end of the day we parted and promised to talk more tomorrow. I swear he wanted me i could see it in his eyes.

I met my friend wumi on the bus, she stays in the same estate as I, she had saved me a seat so she motioned me over. This is a new year and an end to our single lives she said. I replied hell yeah in agreement. So which new girl caught your eyes boo, i just replied with a smile and said I am not telling. Well if you wont talk about yourself, help me pick a good boy out of these ones, she already had pictures of the 5 guys she fancied the most. I see we have the same taste i said, huh what do you mean she asked oh nothing i was kidding. OOoo.... ...kayyiiii she said creapily we both laughed. I went through the pictures and saw Tope's picture also. I think i stared too much because the next thing i heard was "earth to Ade have you breached earth's atmosphere? Lol stop that i said, well you were not listening to all i was saying, so what do you think of him, a group of us girls think he is boy hot number 3, he seats close to you, you have to help me out, you know you cant say no to me. She's right, i cant say no to her, i just cant, I guess I am straight for her. Sure, I will help you with him. (Thats if he isnt like me). This guess work is one of the shit that makes being lgbt hard for teens like me.

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