Chapter 1

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2017 !

Anika's POV

Happy 2nd Wedding Anniversary my love! Years flies so fast like a rollercoaster ride isn't it ? In a blink of an eyes open and close,  every single around us changes. Feel like Im living in heaven with my beloved man, and my little champ! This day January 8th we got married two years ago and now we're here with our own cute family. Within a year we built our own bundle of joy, now he's being growing up with the love and affection we shower on him.

My dear purusha, thanks for being there for me through my thick and thin, you have guided me so well like a shining star when the moon brights up in sky. I'm grateful that I'm living a peaceful and healthy life with you, no matter what I will love you even after death and will be there for you in all needs. Cheers for us to live more years and be elated !

Yes, It's my wedding anniversary day today! Year starts, day runs, months fly and year ends! And the cycle rotates back again, like a clock. Sitting here in my calm master bedroom, enveloped with cooled air and invigorating my mind fresh with soft snores and sniffles of a baby sounding so delightful to my ears.

Thats obviously coming out from my champ aravind , who's just 1 year old, a reason why I'm still living alive. After all the cruel crashes happened in my life with my husband, anirudh.

My champ was my only mentor brought me here, my happiness and my everything!

Apparently, me and my husband are living apart in different places! Whereas I live in US, New York and he lives in India, Chennai. Our separation takes place 1 year already and it's gonna hit its 2nd year soon.

Outside it said as we celebrate 2nd Anniversary but inside we have never celebrated our anniversary together as things never got a change between us!

Well, you'all might wonder about the note every year on any special occasion,  when I feel happy, emotional I list it down on my personal book, MY LIFE!

I have been doing this since I got married to my love, anirudh. Each page will have one story but that's all the opposite from reality!

"Mama.." Arav groaned breaking my thoughts and rolled off in bed.

I smiled, tap him on his chest slowly putting him back to sleep. Words can't explain how much I love my champ! There's no life without him, though I regret the decision I took in past!

Smiling to myself, I moved closer to aravind and pecked a light kiss on his forehead. Instantly, I saw him smiling in his sleep which made me to feel so pleasant.

Always a special moment for every mom's seeing their child smiling broadly and making their early mornings into a bliss!

I got up from the bed, leaving aravind to sleep for some time as I have to start up with my routine work. Wearing my house slippers, tied up my hair into a bun and got off from my bed.

"Mamaa, don't-go !" Arav voiced.

I turned around confusedly and looked at arav, he was sleeping. Didn't I hear him saying something or is it just hallucination ? I thought keeping my index finger on my chin. I didn't bother much about it as i confirmed myself that it must be my hallucination.

"Mamaaa.. love you !"

In a glimpse of a second I heard aravind's voice again, but this time I was sure that it's not my hallucination as I turned around immediately, found him peeking mischievously blinking his eyes. How adorable can he be ?! I stood with my hands akimbo and smirked at him with a smile crept on my face.

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