Chapter 5

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Anirudh's POV

Everyday I wake up with her memories in my mind, that's makes me to feel fresh and be better. Though my life was complicated, still her memories are filled in my room.

A smile crept appeared on my face and I shrieked. Parking my car at the porch I climbed up the stairs to my den. Entering into my den as usual my squads were in doing their own work.

Greeting them, I pulled the chair and sat down to start on the mix for the day with full of positive vibes.

'Chan! So many sponsors are heading up to us calling for conducting concerts. In that many I spoke to the KL sponsor but the date they fixed isn't satisfying. It gets clash with your vivegam RR recording.' Sid spoke up, genuinely.

' What about the other sponsors, I mean from which states all around have they requested? ' I asked, in a casual tone.

' Just a sec! UK, Australia, Again on Canada, France and then US ! Months and dates are quite good, they have given optional dates we can choose with our opinions. ' Sid said.

' What about Australia? Tell me the date and the month they have given. ' I said, looking so serious at my desktop screen.

'It's on the mid of September 22nd da!' Sid said, casually.

' Okay! By that time velaikaran album will also be released! Let's fix it on that date. This time we're raging it to the next level.' I said, with smiles on my face.

'Awesome machan! It's going to be another memorable day for all of us in Australia! We gonna rock! Wooh!' Shashank said, in excitement.

I smiled at shashank's comment! Sid went on to work with the arrangements for the concert and the others were still gaming. Finishing the last mix, the time was near for me to get ready for the behindwoods gold medal event. Going to be awarded after so long !

Getting up from the place, with a coffee cup in my hand and having a sip. I was watching iyappan and shashank playing FIFA, chuckled at their kiddish defending talks.

These guys will never grow up, just like me! This comment which I made me to chuckle more.

'Guys, I'm leaving home now to get ready for the event! You guys are coming right?' I said, in a normal tone.

'Yep! I and sid will be there!' Iyappan said, with a serious look fiddling his fingers on the joystick.

'Okay guys be on time! And I will move now.' I said, making my steps towards the door entrance to leave.

They bid a bye to me as I got out of the room, keeping the coffee cup for wash at the small room near to the porch. With some thoughts in my mind, I slowly walked thinking very deeply about the conversation I had with sid a few moments back.

Did he mention about US concert ?! Did he ? This question hit me hard, I recalled and synced everything within my mind. Yes,he did! Oh damn shit! NO!

I quickly turned around and frustratedly entered into my den.

' Sid ! Sid ! Did you mention US when I asked about the sponsors request? Did you already accept Australia's concert request?' I asked him, in a panicked voice.

' Yes da! And no I'm just going to.' He replied, bluntly.

' Cancel Australia concert tour and make it to US. Immediately now, I don't mind if the concert date is in July or in August or whenever it is but we're going to US this time.' I said, in a very serious tone.

' But why ? ' Sid questioned, with a clueless expression on his face.

'Just do what I say ! I said, crushing my teeth. 'And when is Sreyas coming to India ? '

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