Chapter 10

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Anika's POV

After a tiring day out with shopping and meeting, I was refreshed taking a hot shower and dolled up wearing a western knotted jumpsuit for the stunning surprise dinner meet with my awesome brother sreyas.

Pre-booking a table at the residence restaurant. Getting ready, I was down before the given time at the restaurant waiting for sreyas. Trying out serval times to reach him for the last time, I called him and yet he didn't pick up !

Much irritated waiting for him..

Taking sip of my lemon soda, placing my phone on the table near to me my eyes got fixed at sreyas walk-in towards the restaurant hall with three musketeers along with him. I'm pretty much surprised to see them here.

This guy is giving me a surprise in return! I smiled smirky.

'  Helloo boysss! ' I greeted them warmly, standing up and smiling enchanted with arms waved.

' Enough with your welcomes! What for you're here ? ' Sreyas asked, with an annoyed face.

' Come on why are you turning moody now?? Give me a hug I missed you so muchhh sreyyy!! ' I said, childishly with some sis-bromance tone.

The guys at the back bit a laugh silently. Giving a side hug to sreyas and welcomed the boys hrishikesh, Shashank and Sid with a friendly hug and smiles.

' Thought only you will come alone to meet me but never thought you would bring those musketeers with you along. ' I said, with a chuckle on my face.

' Haha they dropped all their works and just followed me behind the moment I told them I'm meeting you. ' Sreyas said, with a giggle on his face.

' But I'm quite very surprised to see Hrishikesh here! ' I said, fixing my gaze at the spoons tray. ' And so you guys left him alone in the studio ? '

' Nahh! Why should I deny to meet my sister and a best friend because of one guy. You mean alot to our family and us anika. ' Hrishikesh said, with his dimple shining bright on his cheek.

I smiled at his exclamation!

' But which HIM do you mean anika ? ' Shashank asked pressing the HIM hard, raised up his eyebrows high and smirked.

' Uhh well.. you know !! '

' I don't know ?! ' He protested.

' Deii shank started with your mockings ?' Sid interrupted.

' You shut up! Come on anika tell me who's that him ? ' He asked again, smirkingly.

Oufff!!! I rolled off my eyes and breathed out! He's definitely not gonna leave me until his name comes out from my mouth.

He just came and started to rag! Great!

' Fine! I meant your buddy anirudh. ' I answered, in a very simple way.

' I like it ! ' He said, with a wink. ' See, how I made his name to come out from her mouth. ' 

Three of them threw a death glare at him and shrunk away, while I sniffed annoyed.

' No! We actually left from house so we don't think he knows and more importantly he doesn't even you're here! I think iyappan and srinivasan are in studio with him. ' Sid said, with a smile crept on his face.

' And yeah that's why I'm feeling relieved! Thank god he didn't see you at all in the flight. Sid told me everything, on the way to here. ' Sreyas said, adjusting his seat comfy and wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

' Oh! But yeah, why iyappan isn't here ? You could have called him and made him come here right. I miss him so much now..' I said, with a sad face.

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