Chapter 2

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Anirudh's POV

Maangalyam tantunaanaena mama jeevana haetunaa
Kanttae badhnami shubakae tvam jeeva sharadam shatam..

With the kettimelam word from the priest, as the nadhaswaram tune hit louder in background I tied the nuptial chain on her neck and filled her with vermillion on top of her forehead, accepting her as my better half forever, with lots of hesitation in me. This moment declared me as a married man !


Stepping into the 2 year of wedding anniversary without her, sounds so despondent. And it's 1 year since she left me, this sounds more worse. Our life is a mystery which can't be found!

But we both only know what happened and why it happened! When she left me at first I had no feelings and it didn't matter me much but as days, months go.

Without my knowledge I started to feel depressed and everything of my habitats got a change. Okay, Let me not go deep serious in this!

One thing I would like to say, wish she was here with me and we celebrate our wedding anniversary but the hurting fact is that SHE IS NOT WITH ME! I have no idea where she's, what she's doing.

But.. But.. I know she's in US with her friend but I'm blank with other details.

"Ani, my boy! Wake up." I heard someone distracting me.

I don't know why I feel like seeing her and wanting to talk to her. Maybe because I have got feelings for her. Love ?! Or maybe I miss her! I thought. Just on time, a figure who looked like around 25 came in front of me wearing a red saree.

She reminded me so much of her, I moved nearer to make sure if it's her. As I got closer her smile dumbfound me as I stood freeze. I forwarded my hand to touch her but she went and the screen went dark.

"Wake up son!"

I woke up tremendously, as my mom yelled so loudly with an irritated look. So I was dreaming about her. People say what ever you dream in morning it comes true. I thought, fixing my gaze on my duvet.

"Deii, Yennada yosichitu irukah? Go take shower and have your coffee. You have over slept." My mom said, shrugging off my shoulder.

I shook my head skeptically and got down from bed to the bathroom. Damn, my thoughts are getting worse day by day. I'm starting to miss her so much.

Hating myself for being so cruel in past. Wish I could share my feelings with my friends but definitely they aren't going to respect me and understand it.

After freshening up and having my coffee. I bid a goodbye to my mom and drove off to my studio in alwarpet. Day beings as usual, parking my car at the porch.

I climbed the stairs to the terrace as that's where my den is. Not to be surprise, all my mates are inside. I can clearly hear their loud chaos.

But something got my attention as I got closer to the room door. Seemed like they were talking about her! I moved more closer to the door, to hear what they're talking about actually. I know I'm eavesdropping which is bad to do so but If I don't my curiosity will boil up as it's about HER.

See, I feel so bad to say her name even.

"So, machan after visiting rishika in London you'll go meet anika in US right?" Shashank asked in a husky voice to sreyas.

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