Chapter 8

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Anika's POV

As the clock's hand moves indicating the time, Anirudh haven't reached home yet from studio! Well, pretty sure that he's not at his studio right now, probably he's at the place where he usually goes in late nights.

Convincing lakshmi maa with a fake smile on my face i went back to my room as she went to sleep. Frankly, I know whats really happening with anirudh and his antics.

But his parents are so unaware about this!

Taking one step forward into my room entrace, my phone rang loudly. And the caller was none other than Sreyas, my brother .

' Hello ' I said, attending the call.

' I'm waiting outside open the door! ' He said, in a wild voice and hung up the call not letting me to utter a word further.

I walked back to the living hall to open the door, opening it wide immediately my eyes gaze got fixed at anirudh who was fully drunk losing his consciousness and sreyas holding him to balance.

NOT AGAIN!! This is what have been happening with anirudh, everyday night he returns home like this and I'm not so surprised.

' Heyyy where are we? Tell me that you didn't bring me to my home da sreyu i really cant go see her face. ' Anirudh blabbered, unconsciously.

I stood silent with my arms crossed around my chest and starred at him.

' She is the reason for why I'm like this! The moment she entered into my life i lost my freedoms, the happy live in relationship with kavishka, my dreams and literally everything. '

' You might not like what im saying because you know who she is to you and as a brother you will definitely wish to see a happy life for her. But trust me i cant give that im not a person like what you think. My life is totally damaged da. '

' Nothing like what you think da. ' Sreyas said, slowly taking him to room.

Entering the room, sreyas placed anirudh on the bed to sleep but he wasn't at the state to sleep. He still blabbered and shouted at me as i was right infront of him.

It was so devastating to see him this way, as im the main reason for all this i just couldnt take it in.

And its too hard for me to erase him from my heart because i truly love him, altough he had and being living in a relationship with his friend kavishka.


Not a single tear came out from my eyes, its all faith that i have to go through this in my life. Soon he became tired as his eyes closed to sleep, but he looked untidy with his sweated shirt and messy hair.

Totally not right for him to sleep like this! Right then, Sreyas hestitated to go back to his home as i said i will take care of him, consoling him somehow he left the house.

And i made my ways towards the bathroom with anirudh holding him by my arms. Not bothering much about his murmurs i started to undress his shirt turning the shower on.

Reluctantly, he pushed my hand away with his shrieked face. I sniffled!

' Alright, You want me to leave you right. I will, wholeheartedly i will leave but only when your blood goes inside me. I'm sure you're not in the mood to listen to what im saying. I can't leave you and live for myself when i deeply love you ani, if at least your blood runs in my body i will stay strong with it thinking that im living a life with you, physically. You can think that im being cheap or whatsoever. But i really need the thing what im wanting from you! Im sorry...' I said, holding his face using both of my hands.

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