Chapter 1: The New Girl........

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^Sam's picture is to the right. xD^------

Chapter 1: The new girl....

"Noooo,get away from her!" I shout as I watch my moms mate slaughter her. I feel myself tremble with anger as I change into my golden wolf.

This is suppose to be her mate! The guy that's suppose to love her forever. The guy that's suppose to protect her from harm. But instead he's the one causing it. I try to run to her. But it was too late......

"Samantha?" Says my gran with a confused look on her face.

"It's o.k. it was just a dream." She says holding my face and comforting me.

I sit up rubbing my eyes and looking at the time. "Anyways, you have a big day today."she says as she open the curtains on my window.

"I do?" I say blocking the light from my eyes.

"Yes, it's your first day of school in a new town, so hurry up and get ready the bus will be here soon."

She says then leaves the room. I walk over to my bathroom and fix myself up. When i'm done I pull out my straighting iron and straighten my raven black hair.

I find my eye liner and apply it to my eyes to give my green eyes that misty grass green color.

Walking over to my closet I find my fidded white skirt, my black tank top, and black ankle boots.

I hear a horn beep outside assuming it's the bus I grab my things and run downstairs. "Bye gran.' I say then give her a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Bye Sam, have a good first day." she say.

When I get on the bus people are staring at me. It's not hard for me to walk down the middle. I'm so skinny it's almost unhealthy.

I finally find a seat and sit down. I hear two jocks behind me whispering i know it's about me. "Can you say totally fuck-able." one says.

"Yea I would love to tap that." The other one agrees. I roll my eyes. When we arrive at the school I see the sign reads "PAUL. D. WEST HIGH SCHOOL." With no hesitations I rush to get off the school bus.

A cute boy with strawberry blond hair opens the door for me. "After you." he says.

I walk through the open door and find everyone staring at me. "Hey, I'm Jake Williams." he says. "Hey, I'm Samantha " I say.

"So where you from Samantha?" he says .


"ahh, I know I heard a cute accent." he says. Wait did he just say cute accent. At least there is one decent guy at this school. "So can I see your schedule?"

He says. Then I hand him my schedule. He scans his then mines. A smile forms on his face before he looks at me to speak. 'We have the same classes."He says. 

In my mind i'm happy that I won't be alone on the first day. And he can show me the school. "Really that's awsome, so now you can show me the school." I say.

The bell rings and every one in the hall rushes to get to class. "Damn, we have to hurry to get to class, don't want to be late on your first day do you?"

I nod. We run down the hall along with the other late ones. Then we stop at a room that has poems and writing tips on the wall. I'm guessing this is the English room.

"Ah, Mr. Williams, Nice of you to finally join us." says a woman wearing the smallest of skirts, and a reviling shirt causing the guys to stare.

"Sorry, Ms. Smith I was showing your new student around." Jake says motioning towards me with a grin on his face. I return the look.

"That's right we do have a new student, what's your name?" She says, then all glares turn to me. "Um, Samantha Peterson." I say.

"Is that a English accent?" she says. so now she wants to have a sudden interest in me.

"Yes, it is." I  say.

"Very well then, take your seats you two." She says. Jake and I try to find seats when some jerk decides to put his foot out to stop me from walking on.

"Damn, where you think your going, I have a seat for you right here on my dick." he says. Then turns to meet his friend's high-five.

"Come on man, cut her some slack it's her first day." He starts to move his foot as if what Jake said worked. But he dosen't fully remove it.

"It's o.k. jake, I would have a seat but your dick is so small I wouldn't be able to find it." I say. Then I push pass him. This is going to be a Long day.

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