Chapter 19: Old past, New flames

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Then suddenly i feel the blade coming in contact with my skin. I open my eyes to see Klaus and my dad fighting. Klaus must have pushed him, causing the blade to cut me.

I look down and i see Luke shifting into his black wolf, then Klaus shifting into his brown one. It's sort of cool how Klaus and i almost have the same color fur, except mines is a bit lighter than his.

Just like my mums. "Sam watch out." Yells Ian. I don't look to see why i am supposed to duck i just do it anyways. I hear a loud thud and i see it was Luke hitting the hard, cold floor.

"Handle this mutt." Says Luke,to his minions referring to Klaus. A crowd of guys takes Klaus in a different room. I hope they don't hurt him. "Klaus!!" I yell. But they already dragged him away. 

"You don't have to do this just please let us go!." I plead, swallowing hard trying to push back the tears forming in my eyes. I wish i was home in Klaus's arms and it was just the two of us, no one else.

"I can't do that Sammy bear, see then you would be satisfied and i just hate to see you like that." Says Luke. He was struggling to get his self off the floor. He looked bad. He had a bloody nose and a scar on his face. I guess Klaus really showed him. 

Tears begin to force their way through my eyes. I look up and see Luke talking to four of his pack members. "I'll be back make sure you don't do anything stupid." Says Luke as they all leave to go upstairs.

I take that as my chance and i struggle to get the tight rope UN-tied from my wrist. As it loosens more and more i hear footsteps so i freeze in my place. I sigh in relief when i seen it's Klaus. "Klaus, are you OK, did they hurt you, how did you get free?"

I say asking the questions that were of the top of my head. "I'm fine, i just took out the two guards, but we need to leave like now!" Says Klaus. I nod. I take apart the rope and get up to help the others free. "There's an exit on the right wing, we could run through the woods to get back to the main road." Says Shane.  

With that we try to find our way out. We reach an open field and you could see a path through a set of narrow woods. We head for it but Luke and his pack stands in front of us, determined to keep us from leaving. "Your not trying to make an escape are you?"

Say Luke with an evil grin on his face. "Of course we, other wise were just playing 'tag'." I say with sarcasm in my voice. "You better watch your tone sassy pants i could take your skinny ass out with one snap." Says Luke. I glance over and notices Klaus's body get tense.

He trembles with anger. I decided to have a little fun and use Klaus's anger. "You shouldn't never said that, see Klaus here doesn't respond well to threats especially one made to me." I say, now being the one with an evil grin. I could see Luke is getting a bit intimidated.

"Yea he really doesn't like them, isn't that right Klaus." Says Ian joining in on my little mind game. I look at him then notice Jake is here. Why is Jake here? How did he find us? Or was he apart of this? I shake my head he can't be Jake isn't like that.

I snap of of my thoughts to Klaus 's voice. "That's right, i HATE threats, your gonna pay for all of this." Says Klaus, Then instantly Klaus changed into his midnight black wolf and strikes at my dad. 

My dad's pack begins to transform and so do we. It's pack against pack, Alpha against Alpha. I take out two guys on my left and right my kicking the as hard as i can. I glance around and everyone is fighting. It seems like were getting the higher advantage over them because were stronger and quicker.

One attacks me and i glide on the ground and hit my back on the tree. I wince in pain Son of a bitch, i think to myself. Even though I'm in pain i still lunge for the wolf that attack me. I strike and hit him in his side and claw at his face. Seeing he's a bit unstable i kick him one last time, he falls to the ground.

Damn sam, i didnt know you knew how to fight like that, you got mad skillz girl- Shane

I know i do, look out in your right- Sam

I try to warn him, but the wolf is obviously bigger than Shane. I shut my eyes at the hard fall my brother just took. When i open them his arm is bent and i don't think it should be bent like that.  I make my way towards him, but Spencer beats me to it. Spencer give me a nod, and i know he'll take care of him.

Klaus and my dad are still fighting brutally. Going at each other more and more. But Klaus kicks him from up under and begins to claw at his face his teeth reviling, showing his rage. "Any last words." Says Klaus repeating what my father said to me. "Yea i didnt think so." Says klaus.

 I walk up beside him, He stops. I stare at my now dead father. This moment should feel more victorious, more appealing to me.

Maybe i don't feel all that great about him dying because deep down inside i loved him.  Klaus seeing how i am, he talks to me through mind.

We should head home.... you OK?- Klaus

I think so.. i just need some time to process this all.- Sam

We head through the path and make a short cut to make our  way to Klaus's house. Shane is limping i can't imagine how much pain he's in. But my dad and his pack is dead. It's all over. No more taunting me. It's all over with. 


When we get to klaus's house we change back to out human form and put on our clothes that we left at klaus. After we change we sit down in the family room and watch movies. Of course i suggested we watch twilight. It's my go-to movie when ever i feel sad or just need to calm down. Everyone else is sitting on the couch except me. I find a seat in the dinning room wich is right beside the family room. I stare into space as i sit there thinking about everythin that happened. "I know but SAM, you should just relax the main thing is that he's gone." Says Klaus holding my hand in his. I guess he's right. I shouldn't be sad for him. He killed my mom and try to kill me, my mate and friends. He deserved what he got. "Now come on you look sleepy, you need to rest." Says Klaus as we make our way to his room.

I pause because i hear Jake make a outburst comment. "Use a condom we don't need any little cubs running around here, and try not to moan so loudly." My face gets bright red. "Watch it Jake or that'll be the last thing you ever say." I yell down to him. But he doesn't respond.

 I think it's because Klaus gave him an alpha stare down. I laugh as i enter Klaus's  room and fall down on the bed.  I let out a deep sigh. Klaus lays beside me holding my waist. "Thank you, Klaus." I say turning face him. "For what?"

He says with a confused expression on his face. I'm falling madly in love with him and i dont think i can wait any longer to mate with him. "For everything, just being there for me." He nods with a huge smile on his face. I love his smile, his scent, the way he made me feel.

I never felt this way with anyone. "You dont have to thank me, my love for you shows i will always be there for you." He says as he kisses the top of my head.

"Get some rest babe and just remember i love you." Says Klaus.

"I love you too." I say as i fall asleep in his arms, under his warm embrace.

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