Chapter 11: The party *part 2*

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"Urgh!!" I say throwing down the dresses in my hands. Jake and i were in my room geting ready for the party. I was looking for a dress to wear and most of the dresses were either too reviling or too puffy. Jake on the other hand was dressed. He also thought it was funny that i was having trouble finding a dress. "It's not funny." I protest.

"Then why am i laughing?" He says holding his stomach because he's laughing too hard. Then i look at my closet and i see something in the back. I pick it up and examine it.

The dress is a black and silver strapless, with the back out. It wasn't too reviling, or too puffy. It stopped right in the middle of my thigh. I grabbed the dress and ran to the bathroom.

When i put on the dress i put on light make-up, and curled my hair. Looking in the mirror, i look just like my mom. I hold back tears while holding my necklace.

Slipping on my heels, i grab my purse and open the door. I look and see a very wide eye jake."Damn, you look hot!!!" Say jake eye perving on me. I smirk then the door bell rings.

"That must be ian." I say looking in the mirror for one last final touch. "Or klaus." Says jake. I shoot him daggers. "What, you know he was pissed when ian was flirting with you, do you think he will let ian take you to a party?" Says jake in a 'duh-tone'. I roll my eyes at his little theory.

The door bell rings again and jake and i heads downstaires. I open the door in relif. "Hey, ian." I say, but he doesn't respond, he's to busy mind-humpping me. "Oh-uh, hey ready?" He says. Then we all walked to the car. "Shot-gun." Jake called running to the car like a child. We get in the, followed by scilenced. "You look so hott." Says ian breaking the scilence. I nod and smile. Then we drive off.



We arrive at leah's. It's a big light blue mansion with a fountain in the middle of the drive way, the drive way looks like a parking lot and music is blasting through-out the house. We walk towards the house. Ian grabs sam's hand, but she rejects.

Anger begans to boil up inside of me. I really like sam, and everytime i try to make a move some guy try's to come at her. No offense to klaus for trying  but she doesn't like him it's obvious. Even if he did bring her to school this morning.

I still have feelings for sam no one not even my best friend will get in between me and my mate. My thoughts are interupted by the loud music being boomed all around me. "Hey jakey." Leah says wearing a reviling, short dress. Can you say whore.

"Can you say whore." sam says loudly whispering in my ear. See we are meant for each other we both think alike, that's why we are best friends.

"Now there are 6 rooms that are avalible where you can hook up and condoms are in the hall basket, enjoy the party."

she says with a smile as some guy pulls her upstaires. The guy grabs a condom and they enter one of the 6 rooms she was just telling us about.

"Want something to drink?" ian asks sam. "Umm, i dont drink." she says. I kinda figuered that, considering she has an amazing body. What am i saying thisis my best friend i think to myself. "C'mon just try it." he says.

"Ok, just one drink." she says hesitantly. "Ok, be right back." He says then walks in the kitchen before returning with three drinks in his hand. He hands me and sam a drink. Sam sniffs the drink and takes a sip. "Not bad." she says drinkig the entire thing. 

"Wow, you sure do know how to party, wanna dance?" Ian asks."sure." Sam says. They make their way to the dance floor and most guys are dancing really close to sam. I try to walk over there but leah stand in front of me blocking my way. 

I guess she's done hooking up with that guy. "Jake.... Dance.... let's" she says stumbling with her words. "Leah, your drunk, leave me alone." i say and push pass her but stops when the dj turns to song into a slow song.

I look over to see sam and ian all over each other. Then the door opens and everyone rushes over to the person, everyone except a certain couple on the dance floor. Looking at the door again i realize it's klaus. uh-oh. Ian is dancing with sam, and klaus is here. I have a feeling this can get pretty ugly.

*Thanks for reading, more drama coming soon, please support in watty awards*

<3 Taylor

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