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Princess Aaron👑- so, who may you be 'Huntaa'?

Huntaa🐥-  I know that's another one of your jokes Aaron. Don't do that to me again

Princess Aaron👑- no, seriously. Who are you and why are you wasting your time texting this worthless chick

Huntaa🐥- you are not funny.

Princess Aaron👑- This is not Aaron! I'm a dude from her school! Who are you?!

Huntaa🐥- ever heard of Hunter Rowland?

Princess Aaron👑- yeah yeah. My girlfriend obsesses over him

Huntaa🐥- well, that is me! Now why do you have Aaron's phone?!

Princess Aaron👑- well, I was going to the park and she was there. I decided to you know mess with her. When I got up to her, she ran and left her phone on the bench.

Huntaa🐥- And why are you going through her property?!

Princess Aaron👑- even a better question, why is this 'famous' dude pretending to like her. Just quit the act and break her heart. You're  too lovey dovey. You're probably a catfish too

Huntaa🐥- you read our messages?!

Princess Aaron👑- no dur. Just answer me

Huntaa🐥- I'm not messing with her. She's beautiful and has an awesome personality! I don't see why people hate on her so much

Princess Aaron👑- Like I believe that. I'm changing your name to liar so she can see that

Liar💔🤕- stop. Give her phone back

Princess Aaron👑- don't worry, I am. I just wanted to ask you that question. By the way, she has a bunch of pictures of you in her phone

Liar💔🤕- Stop looking through her property. I'm gonna teach her how to put a password on that thing

Princess Aaron👑- oh, she does. It's 'trash'. And if you think I'm lying, I'm not. It was my second guess

Liar💔🤕- she jokes around when she calls herself trash

Princess Aaron👑- well I don't when I call her it

Liar💔🤕- just give her phone back bro.

Princess Aaron👑- whatever

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