》Chapter 3 》

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Jai's P.O.V.

I was startled by loud clapping by the door.

A guy with brown eyes and brown hair standing next to a guy with blue eyes and obviously dyed blonde hair according to his brown roots.

Blondie spoke up first, "That was incredible!"

The guy beside him agreed with a wide grin. "You have a lovely voice" .

I stood up and placed the guitar down next to the chair, "Why don't you kids go play while I talk to the adults for a second." I said dismissing the children to play around.

"Thanks, can I help you with anything?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah we're here to pick up Lux! I'm Niall by the way, and this is Liam." blon-Niall said pointing to Liam.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jai" I said while shaking each of their hands.

"Hold on a sec" I went and picked up Lux in my arms and brought her to them.

"You guys have a beautiful daughter." I said handing her to Liam.

"Oh? What? NO, she's not our daughter, we're not together, I mean we're straight. . . not that I'm against same sex couples or anything, we're just picking her up for our friend!" Liam rambled on with a tint of red on his cheeks.

"It's okay, I was just joking around." I stated with a chuckle.

"If that's everything you need I have to go take care of the munchkins, nice meeting you guys." I said while picking up my guitar and putting it away.

"Bye!" they said. "Bye bye Jai!" said Lux.

****time lapse 7:00 p.m ****

"Bye Jennifer." I said while getting my keys and Kylie's hand and walking out the front door.

"Bye Jai, bye Kylie see you ladies tomorrow!" Jen said in a cheerful voice.

Once I got home me and Kylie went straight to the kitchen to make dinner.

"What do want for dinner Kylie?" I asked.

"HOTDOGS!" she exclaimed jumping up and down.

"Okay go wash up while I make them." I told her while getting out the ingredients for hot dogs.

By the time she came back down the hot dogs already served into two plates for Kylie and I.

After we ate I went to change her into her pj's and tuck her in bed. Leaving her nightlight on and closing her door I made my way to my room and changed into a long t-shirt. Cali weather is pretty warm. Drifting off to sleep without my constant nightmares.

Sorry I updated so late! I lost my phone so I had to wait to get a new one and I forgot to save the chapter so I couldn't post it!

Tell me what you think of this chapter!

My first story so it might be shitty! :p


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Love you lots, gracias! :D

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