》Chapter 6 》

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Sorry it's been taking so long to update each chapter! I have summer school and if I don't get good grades my mom is sending me too Boot camp! Till I'm 21!!!

The chapters are short cause I'm doing them on my phone cause my electronics were taken away except my phone!

Jai's P.O.V.

Kylie and I left the daycare around 4 in the afternoon. We drove a couple of blocks down to the animal shelter I volunteer at. We walked to the back entrance where some other volunteers were moving the animals food into the storage bins and feeding all the animals.

"Kitties! They are so cute mommy! Looky! Can we have a kitty? Please please please? I'll take care of it I promise! I'll feed it and love it forever and ever!" Kylie exclaims excitedly, giving me her famous puppy dog eyes nobody can resist.

"I'll have to think about it okay?" I tell her.

She nods but stays silently playing with the kittens.

I turn to Diana, a 15 year old girl who actually works here with her aunt.

"Where did you find the kittens?" I ask her.

She replied to me with tears in her eyes. "In a cardboard box with no hole in them, left on the side of the the road. They just left them there to die! How can people be so cruel?"

Diana has a huge heart when it comes to animals as you can see. . .

"Those are some sick people! How would they feel if we left them in a box in the middle of a crowded highway!"

"Before I forget, I was wondering if you could watch Kylie again tonight? I have another tournament at 10 so I have to be there around 8:30. Please Diana?" I ask her.

"Sure, you know you don't have to ask!" she says smiling.

"Thanks! The guest room is fixed so you can sleep once Kylie is put to bed. I have bolognese lasagna in the fridge just heat it up if you guys get hungry. Ohh, and don't forget to call your mom to know you'll be at my place tonight." I inform her.

"Okay, I'll be at your at 8." she says.

I thank her one more time before going to feed the bigger dogs. Everyone else is too afraid to go near them because they look intimidating, but they are all just misunderstood animals. They shelter couldn't afford to keep them here so part of what I make from my fights go to these dogs. They shouldn't be put down, they might look scary but they are the most playful and sweetest dogs I've ever seen.

As soon as I'm by their kennels they start yipping and hopping up. There are 12 "scary" dogs, which consists of 4 Pitbulls, 3 Rottweilers, 2 Huskys, 1 Doberman, 1 Saint Bernard, and my favorite 1 Great Dane.

"How are my boys doing? Are you guys hungry?" I ask them. They just start barking and nudging their dog bowls closer to me. I fill up their trays with plenty of food and water. which is alot, because they are huge!

Once they finish I let them all out to play in a fenced area I built so they never feel trapped in their kennels. I bring out a bucket of toys and balls to throw and play with.

Buddy which is a blue pit I found a couple of months ago, was beaten to the brink of death, and left in the streets to die. I brought him here and nurtured him till he had the strength to do it on his own. He wouldn't let anyone go near him unless it was me or Kylie. He would growl or bark until Kylie or I were near him, he would whimper and curl himself up by our legs.

I grabbed a toy and started playing tug of war with him while throwing toys at toys at rest to play with. Luckily none of them ever got in fights with each other. They play around with each other and they all look happier now than when they were all found.

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