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VIRGINIA HOPKINS FELT HER HEART SINK. After Jughead had gotten up to join Betty, Archie and Veronica walked in. She knew in her heart that despite her selfish intentions, Jughead did just cheat on Betty with her. Sure, they weren't technically boyfriend-girlfriend but that betrayal would hurt Betty. Even though the young brunette wasn't close with the blonde female, she knew that she didn't deserve that. And Jughead probably knew in his heart as well that their kiss was wrong.

Unfortunately, both knew it was so right between them. Just not the right moment.

Virginia plastered a fake smile on, she was obviously a master of the act so it wasn't difficult for her to not show how upset she was.

Archie sent his old friend a wave as he noticed her in the distance. She gripped the counter, her emotions in a whirlwind.

Why couldn't she ever get what she wanted? Was she not worth it?

Ginny, however, was glad she was working. She let her grip go and decided to work rather than stare at her friends at a distance. It wasn't like Jughead would  confess his mistake in front of his close friends. 

Jughead sighed, glancing back to find Ginny. He was annoyed that he couldn't talk with Betty, was this a sign?

His heart ached as he saw Ginny Hopkins walk away so she didn't have to watch.

º º º

     JUGHEAD JONES AND ARCHIE ANDREWS found themselves playing video games, it was definitely better than doing homework. Screams we're heard from the screen, both boys had their brows furrowed in concentration as they tried to win.

Jughead sighed at his best friend, his grip on his controller tight. "Gotta stop blowing me up."

"You're going the wrong way. You're going the–"

"What are you doing?" Gunshots echoed throughout the room and Ginny sighed as she laid her head on her propped up on her hands. She was hanging out after school with the two boys, rather peeved that she couldn't get some alone time with Jughead without making it obvious. She just wanted to talk. Did their kiss mean anything? She didn't want to make a big deal out of it if Jughead didn't see her the same way.

"Come on." Archie groaned as their characters blew up, annoyed to no end.

"You're the one who keeps accidentally killing me." Jughead commented lightly.

"War is hell, Jug." Archie sighed, running a hand through his red hair.

"No, Archie, hell is other people." The dark haired boy let his stare linger on the girl sprawled out on the bed, a frown in place.

A knock came from the door and Fred Andrews stuck his head in. "Hey, guys, getting pretty late– and whoa, it's kinda ripe in here. Does someone wanna open a window?" Ginny wrinkled her nose, she did smell it. She guessed that teenage boys were immune to their own smells.

"I got it." Ginny pipped up, pushing herself off of the bed to open the window. She struggled for a moment before it popped open, letting a cool breeze enter the room. It was slowly becoming colder and colder and Ginny was snuggled up in a borrowed sweater from Archie. When Archie passed her his dark sweater she blushed, wishing it was one of Jughead's baggy ones instead.

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