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"Ha! Triple word! And I finally got rid of my annoying 'z!'"

Tyler rolled his eyes I exasperation. "Well well done you. I bet 'zephyr' isn't even a word, idiot,"

Josh laughed in exultation. "It is! I checked!"

Tyler frowned. Damn it. Now Josh was beating him by even more. "Fine, fine, whatever. Chill out, buddy."

Josh was still grinning. "Take those 69 points and shove it up your-"

Tyler cut him off, blushing slightly. "Okay, I get it. Pass me some candy corn, I'm about to whip your ass."

Josh passed him the bowl of candy corn. Munching on a few pieces, he surveyed his letters, smiling.

God, he loved Halloween with Josh. It never got boring or even that scary, gone were the days where they went out, scaring little kids like the great guys they were. Now they preferred to spend the evening indoors, watching old horror movies and playing scrabble. He had always hated Halloween growing up, him being particularly sensitive to anything supernatural or mildly scary, but having Josh around with him now made the experience one of fun and amusement.

Even if Josh was now beating him at scrabble by a solid 113 points. He sighed, staring at the dismal collection of his letters. How was he supposed to make a word with two d's and three e's?

Tyler was just placing some tiles down when there was a knock at the door. He frowned slightly. They lived in an apartment, so kids asking for candy didn't come around very often, but it was still a possibility. He gritted his teeth, knowing the child at the door wouldn't be too pleased with their distressing lack of Halloween candy, and hauled himself up.

Pulling open the door, he was met with nothing but an empty hallway and a few fake spiderwebs. Frowning, he turned back to Josh.

"There's no one here!" he called. He caught a glimpse of Josh's confused expression.

"Huh. Probably a prank, come one back. I wanna finish this game soon!"

Smiling and trying to suppress the nervousness that was entering his mind, he walked back to the table where Josh was grinning triumphantly.

"You'll never guess what word I just found. It's-"

He was cut off by another loud bang, this time heavier and more aggressive. Tyler flinched slightly and Josh stood up. He put on a smile, but Tyler could tell he was growing nervous. Following Josh to the door, he gripped his boyfriend's hand as he opened the front door, poking his head out. The hallways was empty, just like before.

Tyler swallowed, looking up at Josh, who didn't seem any more calm than Tyler. He ran a hand through his red hair, murmuring to himself.

"Maybe it's coming from outside?" Tyler suggested. "Or someone else's door-"

They were interrupted by yet another crash, followed by a strange scraping noise. They both jumped, Tyler half-hiding in Josh's arms. Josh was shaking slightly as he rubbed Tyler's back.

"Well, it's coming from our house, that's for sure," Tyler laughed shakily. "Maybe it's upstairs?"

Josh nodded slowly. "You're probably right. Here, let me get something,"

Without warning he disconnected their hands and dashed into the kitchen. Tyler suddenly felt very unprotected from whatever the hell was happening upstairs. Fighting back his panic, he set about turning on all the lights in the living room, hallways and upstairs balcony.

Josh came back holding a rolling pin in one hand and a broom in the other. He handed Tyler the rolling pin.

"What the hell is this?" Tyler couldn't help but laugh as he surveyed Josh holding the broom, trying to look aggressive.

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