aquarium date

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This had been a horrible decision.

Ot maybe it was the best idea Josh had had in the entire time he and Tyler had been dating. Who knew, really?

They weren't the couple for going out on dates. If they did get out if the house, it was usually to go to some terrible resturant like Chipotle just because Tyler was adorable wnen he begged.

So taking his hyperactive boyfriend to the aquarium had been an odd decision, but Tyler seemed to be having fun, at least. Josh was enjoying himself too, but Tyler had the tendency to run off in some unfathomable direction if Josh didn't keep a close eye on him, so the lines between fun and stressful blurred together a bit.

Tyler hurried around the cluster of people, Josh following the bobbing shape of his yellow jacket as the smaller boy weaved amongst the crowd, hurring to the next tank. Jesus Christ, Tyler had more energy than any five year old Josh knew. It was exhausting keeping up with him.

He was adorable, despite everytbing. His face was a pleasant pink colour, the blue light's from the fish tanks throwing a sharp contrast againt that. And his eyes, oh his eyes. Josh couldn't help but grin as his boyfriend hurried from tank to tank, exictedly pointing out each fish to Josh, his eyes alight with a pure and simple joy that made Josh's heart melt.

"I have an idea." Tyler declared, hands pressed against the glass. "Are there any security guards around?"

Josh massaged the bridge of his nose, holding back a smile. "The fact that you're asking that is deeply concerning, Ty."

"I think if there's no guards around, I can get a fish." Tyler continued as if Josh hadn't spoken.

"First of all, no. Second of all, how would you even get one? Third of all, if you want a fish, we can get one tomorrow from the pet store."

Tyler pouted, his plump lip sticking out in an adorably childish manner. "Please?" he whined. "The fish at the pet store are ugly anyways."

Josh shook his head, slowly prying Tyler's hands off the glass. "No, babe. Don't make me carry you."

Tyler snorted slightly and allowed himself to he dragged away by Josh. "As fun as that sounds, I think we'd give all the conservative mothers aneurysms if we did so."

Josh grinned as Tyler hurried over to the next tank.

"Can we pet this one?" Tyler asked as Josh came up behind him, pointing a slender finger at a brightly coloured fish burrowed under a rock. Josh sighed slightly.

"Again, no. How would we even do that?"

Tyler humphed and moved his attention to the next tank, this one holding a pair of fluorescent jellyfish.

"What about this one?"

Josh rolled his eyes. "Ty, that's a jellyfish. As much as you love animals, I don't know how emotionally displeased you'd be if you got your pretty little brain fried by one of them."

"You have no imagination." Tyler stuck his lip out again. "I'm gonna ask that guy over there if we can."

"I'd rather you didn't," Josh groaned as Tyler walked speedily over to the other end of the display to where a rather dazed looking security guard was lounging.

"Excuse me, Mr....Urie?" Tyler asked cheerfully, Josh skidding to a halt beside him. "Can we pet the fish?"

Josh cringed internally at the confused look on Urie's face.

"The fish?"

Tyler nodded excitedly.

"You wanna pet the fish?"

Another nod. Urie looked like an asshole, this wasn't going to end well.

"Dude, whatever you're on, give me some. Pet the fish...what a fucking retard!"

Josh pulled Tyler away fast, his fists balling around the soft material of Tyler's jacket.

"Watch your mouth, dipshit." he growled. Beside him, Tyler looked miserable.

"Fuckin' weirdo wants to pet the fish, man. Kid's fucked up."

Josh pressed his face close to the other man's, his eyes narrowing to slits. If only Tyler wasn't watching, he would've beaten this guy's ass to kingdom come.

"Shut up." he warned.

The guard shurgged and moved away, whistling. Still seething, Josh turned back to Tyler, who was staring fixedly at his shoes.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Tyler asked softly.

Josh felt his heart twist. "Look at me."

Tyler looked up slowly, his gorgeous brown eyes shot full of worry and sadness. Jish placed a hand on the smaller boy's cheek, marvelling at the beauty before him.

"You are not stupid. You are the smartest person I know. If it wasn't for you, I'd've failed all my classes last year, okay? That guy was a dickhead, don't let him tell you you're something you're not, okay?"


"Promise you won't listen to people like that? You're beautiful, just the way you are."

Tyler nodded, sighing slightly. "'M tired."

Josh pulled him into a hug, gripping him close to his body. "Wanna go home? We can watch Donnie Darko again."

The feeling of Tyler's smile and nod against his chest sent a warm jolt through his body.

"We're gonna have to walk past the sharks, is that okay?"

Josh knew Tyler was deathly afraid of the animal. It was part of his previous trepidation of taking Tyler to the aquarium in tbe first place. But, to his amazement and pride, Tyler nodded.


Josh grinned. "I love you, you know that?"

Tyler blushed, the pink hue in his cheeks deepening. "Hold my hand?"

Josh grabbed tbe rosy-cheeked boy's hand and squeezed it tight.

"Of course baby. Who cares about all those conservative mothers."

Tyler giggled, resting his head against Josh's arm as they made their way to the exit.

"I love you too, Joshy."

And in the blue light, the purple shadows across his face, Josh was once again amazed by the beauty before him.

Damn, he was lucky.

//cute lil fluff tonght, not up to anything sad. I'm a whore for SweetAndPureAndInnocentAndChildish(kinda)!Tyler okay it's so good and pure

(#notspons read emotions!! I'm almost finished and it's good you'll like!! Thank!!)//

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