please move back

914 23 38

//tw: suicide//

Josh really hated people disturbing hin.

He wasn't what you would call a people person in general, day-to-day life. Not quite a recluse, but by no means social. He had a few friends, none that he really trusted. He went out only when he had to. The rest of his life was filled with work and music, music and work. It wasn't an enjoyable life. Jish had never really enjoyed life, the idea of living, getting up every single day and working your ass off to get nothing in return, no long term benefits, seemed to be a depressing and pointless existance to him.

Not that he considered himself depressed. He knew he wasn't depressed, because he was reckless and impulsive and if he really was depressed, he would've fixed that in one way or another.

He was just uninterested.

Walking was nice. Long walks on the beach, short ones to work and back. He didn't ownna car. Who needed some smelly, overpriced piece of metal when he had two perfectly functioning feet and a taste for lonliness?

Today was a long walk day, one of the best. The weather was Josh's favourite, misty and grey and silent, like the whole world was still sleeping, waiting for the sun to come out. Not Josh, though. The sun could stay where it was in his opinion. This was perfect walking weather, perfect thinking weather. He would be completely alone, and that was how he liked it.

But his hopes of being undisturbed were soon shattered as he reached his favourite part of this particular walk, the edge of the path that rose up above the trees and buildings, providing him with an unobstructed view of the city below.

He normally stopped her and just sat down, watching and waiting, thinking about everything and nothing. But today was different.

Josh gritted his teeth slightly as he rounded the bend and the colourful smudge that was a person appeared on the horizon. The frown on his face changed from one of irritation to mild concern as the figure merged into view.

They were a person, a small, scrawny man with rounded shoulders and a thin build. Josh couldn't see much of their face, as most of their features were obscured by the garish yellow hoodie they wore. The most interesting and indeed concerning thing about this stranger was where they were.

Josh sped up slighrly, emerging from the path so he was standing around five feet away from the person. Now his face was available for viewing. He was fairly attractive, not that attraction was something Josh truly experienced to most people. He had a slender face with wide, doe-eyes that were glassed over, focused on nothing. His pretty lashed blinked up and down as he stared blankly around him, unseeing. His equally-slender hands were gripping the stone of the wall he was perched on, his long legs dangling over the edge and above the lengthy drop.

He looked like he was going to jump.

Panic, however faint, washed over Josh and he hurried forward as the stranger shifted forward too, the scratching of his pants on the stone cutting through Josh's heart in an unfamiliar way.


Hus own voice surprisd himself as.much as it surpised the man in the ledge. They both flinched slightly, the man on the ledge halting his progress to look at Josh with his big brown eyes in wonder.

"Please," Josh muttered, walking up to stand nect to the man. "Move back, please."

The man gave him a funny look and turned away. His legs swung absentmindedly.

"I'm good," he said, his voice soft and airy. "The view's very pretty from up here."

Josh swallowed nervously. How was he supposed to talk a complete stranger out of suicide? He barely managed to make conversation with his best friend, and this was not his best friend. This was a suicidal man in a yellow jacket with sad eyes and a light voice. Josh didnt know why, but suddenly he didn't want him to jump, not at all. He wanted him to get off the ledge and, preferably, never come back to anyther ledge such as this.

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