Chapter 6

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Albus woke up Friday morning, feeling better than usual. He and Scorpius went to breakfast, and the entire hall was filled with students.

"Bonjour, Albus!" Bella sat at the table next to Albus. "Bonjour ,Scorpius!"

"Bonne journée madame," Scorpius replied, and Bella giggled. Parisa, Sabrina, and Katrina joined her at the table. Alecia passed by. (Have a wonderful day, Madam.)

"Bella, qu'est-ce que tu fais assis avec ces perdants?" Scorpius looked offended. (Bella, what are you doing sitting with these losers?)

"Excusez-moi?" Alecia looked him over. (Excuse me?)

"Et tu es?" (And you are?)

"Je m'appelle Scorpius ... Scorpius Malfoy." She wobbled her head, as if trying to decide on something. (My name is Scorpius.... Scorpius Malfoy.)

"Je suppose que vous pourriez en valoir quelque chose." Scorpius still seemed offended. Alecia turned to Albus. (I suppose you could be worth something.)

"Et toi?" (And you?)


"Your name!" she said, obviously frustrated.


"Albus who?"

"Potter-uh-Albus Potter."

"Oh!" Her entire mood changed. She sidled over and slipped onto the bench next to him, uncomfortably close. "Vous faites quelque chose cet après-midi?" (You doing something this afternoon?)


"Il est occupé cet après-midi, Alecia," Katrina said, and Albus had the feeling it wasn't an invitation to tea. (He's doing something this afternoon, Alecia.)

"Oh vraiment, Katrina?" Alecia spat back. (Oh really, Katrina?)

"Oui vraiment. Il est occupé à passer du temps avec de vrais amis qui se soucient de sa personnalité, pas son père." Bella, Parisa, and Sabrina shared glances. Alecia looked furious. (Yes, really. He's busy spending time with his real friends who care about his personality, not his father.)

"Oh, snap," Scorpius said, grinning.

"Uh-what's going on?" Alecia, seething, grabbed a pen from her uniform, and scribbled something on a napkin. She handed it to Albus.

"Call me, sweetie," she said, before storming off. Scorpius, Bella, Sabrina, and Parisa were rolling with laughter. Katrina seemed infuriated. Albus was just really confused. He glanced at the napkin. Alecia had scrawled her number in pink glitter pen across the napkin. Katrina snatched it from him.

"I'll take that off your hands," she asserted, promptly throwing away the napkin. Albus gave her  a strange look. He timidly raised his hand.

"Uh- just a- small question. Um-" he glanced around. "What just happened?" Scorpius clapped him on the back.

"As your best friend, I feel that it's best that you don't know." Albus through his hands in the air.

"I'm learning French this summer!"

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