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"You got any room on that couch?" Louis playfully asked his husband of ten years Harry.

"You got a naked girl coming right at you." Harry laughed as his four-year-old daughter ran towards him, jumping into his lap.

"Come here, you little monkey," Harry said as he tickled his daughter. Louis watched fondly.

"Will you please get her dressed?" Louis' smile disappeared as he spoke, realising how late they were for their appointment. "Oh, shoot. I gotta get ready. We're supposed to be at the bank."

"Why do you have to go to the bank?" Chimed their 8-year-old daughter.

"Because we need money for stuff, like your braces," Harry added as he dressed their four-year-old.

"But I don't want braces." Whined Charlie, the 8-year-old. "I want a video game player." She added.

"Charlie, let me tell you something true. No matter what you choose to do or be,, life is easier if you're pretty. It does a girl no good to be good at video games." Louis crouched down as he ruffled his daughter's long locks. Just like Louis, their children, especially Charlie, were beautiful.

"Knock, knock. Hey, everyone!" Louis' attention turned from Charlie to his mum as she walked through his unlocked front door.

"Hi, mum."

"Hey, grandma!" Chirped Louis and Harry's three children.

"It's hotter than a fur coat in Marfa out there," Jay complained before looking towards her grandchildren. "Guess you're just gonna let them watch TV all day."

"Oh, mum, please don't start," Louis whined, he was 28, he didn't need a lesson on parenting. "I'm trying to get ready."

Louis rolled his eyes as Jay tipped out a basket of folded laundry. "Hey, mum, that laundry was folded!"

"It will be when I get through it." Louis rolled his eyes at his mother's OCD.

"Hi, grandma." Yelled Jenna, their four-year-old.

"Jenna. One, two. Whoo!" Within a second, the small girl was being picked up and spun around in a fit of giggles by Jay.

"I'm so glad to see you," Jay spoke excitedly. "Look how big you're getting."

Harry smiled at his mother-in-law's actions; "how's it going, Jay?"

"Well, I'm a two-pack-a-dayer trying to quit smoking, that's how it's going. You know what gum with nicotine tastes like?" Jay paused before answering her question. "Gum with nicotine."

"How's the knee?" The brown-haired women asked Harry. The latter was a construction worker and had badly hurt his knee weeks ago. He had been out of a job for months because of the injury.

"Oh, doesn't work and keeps me up all night."

"Sounds like my last two husbands." Harry laughed at Jay's light hearted joke.

"What are you gonna do if the bank turns you down?" Harry sighed, he had no idea. They were overdue on their mortgage and needed nothing more than to receive an extension... that is where they were going today – to request an extension.

"No idea," Harry spoke sadly.

"Well, it ain't a sin to be poor, but it's damned inconvenient." Jay tried to console; Harry nodded along.

Both adult's attention was soon turned to Louis who walked back into the room.

"Well, what do you think?"

"Mum, you look pretty." Shouted Charlie.

"You sure do," Harry added admiring his beautiful husband. "It's gonna be harder for the banker to turn you down in that outfit."

Louis was wearing the tightest of all clothing. They had previously met the banker that managed their finances. Louis was sure he was gay; luckily.

"That's what I'm counting on." Louis smiled cheekily.

"Like you said, 'Use it until you lose it.;" Louis turned to his mother as he quoted something Jay had told him throughout his childhood as he sensually ran his hands down his hourglass figure.

"Heck, I've lost it, and I'm still using it." Everyone laughed at Jay's declaration. "What smells like pumpkin pie?" She asked

"Oh, it's me. These scientists did a test and figured out that the smell of pumpkin brings blood to a man's you-know-what faster than anything else." Louis licked his lips as he fell into his husband's embrace.

"Where'd you hear that?" Harry asked, questioning its creditability.

"I read it in some woman's magazine."

"Bye, mum, thanks for watching the kids." Louis pecked his mother's cheek before turning to say goodbye to his three children.

"Bye, mum, dad." They all smiled as their parent's left for their meeting.


"I am so nervous." Louis shivered, Harry comfortingly rubbed his husband's arm.

"Yeah, me too." They were very desperate for their request to be approved.

"Let me unbutton these," Louis spoke, stopping Harry in his tracks as he unbuttoned the first three of Harry's buttons on his shirt. "Just in case he likes masculine men instead of twinks." Louis winked at his man.

Harry sighed; "Oh, baby, how did we get ourselves into such an awful mess?"

"A lot of people are asking those questions these days."


"Louis Tomlinson?"

The small boy looked at him, noticing the one person he hates walking down the sidewalk.

"Hell's bells, I do not need Nick Grimshaw telling me how perfect his life is," Louis whispered into Harry's ear.

"Hey, I dumped him for you," Harry whispers equally as quietly.

Louis smiles because he would forever be grateful.

"Don't tell him why we're here," Louis begs, Harry nods along.

"Hey, Nick. Hi."

"It's been forever. Don't you look pretty." Nick commented starring Louis up and down jealously as he clutched onto his own boyfriend's arm. "I do believe you were wearing that same outfit the last time I saw you." Nick smiled falsely.

"Well, aren't you observant." Louis seethed clenched teeth.

"Jim and I were just here on business, but tomorrow we're off to Hawaii, and then we're going to New York to do a little shopping. We all got to stimulate the economy, right?" Nick rambles, both Louis and Harry want to roll their eyes.

"Bless your heart, always thinking of others," Louis answers sarcastically before pulling Harry away. "Bye-bye."

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