Chapter 17 - The 7 Demon Girls

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"Please explain to me why do I have to attend this pathetic party?" Irina seems to be irritated that she has to be where she hated the most.

"Because your mother says so." Natalya turned Irina's body around. "I need to go back to Paris tomorrow. I have some business to do. Fix your mess because I can't go on pretending any longer. I do have my own love interest you know." Irina seems curious.

"And who might that be?" Natalya let her tongue out and winked. "Secret! You'll know soon enough. Come on. Let's pretend we're happily together." Natalya sighed. "I can't believe you actually did this just to see my sister and Evara happy. Is it that much to be in love with them? Both of them?" Irina can't believe what she just heard.

"Both of them? You want me to be with both of them?" Natalya shrugged. "Polygamous relationship is a new thing." Irina laughed. "As much as I want to be with them, I only sees them as friends. Nothing more. Yes they both gorgeous in their own way, but I seriously don't see them more than friends." Irina winked.

"Beside, Zoya and Varvara have their eyes on them first." Natalya remembered something she bought earlier. She went to one of the bags she brought and reached out for a box. She turned around and gave Irina the box. "Here. A gift from me. It's nothing much but I hope you love it."

Irina was excited because of the box but what's inside made her almost suffered a heart attack. No words can describe her feelings right now. "It's what you want remember. When you saw it online. I asked a friend of mine to bought it for me." Irina looked up to Natalya with tears in her eyes. "I'll pay you back. Promise."

"Sure. $10,000." Natalya chuckled when Irina's mouth wide open. "I'm kidding. You don't have to pay me back silly. It's a gift. For saving and taking care of Athena." Irina wanted to give it back but Natalya insist. "Wear them tonight. Show it off. Beside it goes great with your katana." Irina nodded and put it on.

Her wildest dream just came through. She never dream of wearing one of the most expensive shoes ever created in the world. "Louboutin sneakers always the best. The most priceless thing I ever own is my katana. And now.. I have these."

"Yea yea. We're late. Now please.." Natalya pushed her toward the door and they both walked to the ballroom. When they both inside, Irina noticed this is not like any other 'party' she thought it will be. She was not happy about it. She's not a fan of kissing up to these so call rich people.

"Wow... I never thought they actually invited some of the most influential family in the world. That's the Larove family. The richest family in America. According to some rumours, they currently on the top after Christ family." Natalya whispered to Irina. "That's Carmen Larove. The eldest daughter of Fleur and Arabelle Larove. Since she's the oldest, she's going to inherited her family's fortune that worth trillions of dollars."

Irina nodding her head as she watched a teenager walking behind her parents. She heard of that family before. "She's the only child?" Natalya's shake her head. "She has eight more siblings. The youngest about 4 months old."

"How old is Carmen?" Natalya's think for a moment. "She's probably 18-20 years old. I'm not sure myself. I don't see the others of her siblings. Probably wandering around." Natalya said. They were talking to each other when the Audra's 7 Demon girls walked in the ballroom with all their fabulosity flaunting.

"Seven deadliest assassin created from Audra's monstrous walls." Natalya breath out. "You're the eight right? The last of the them. Yet you're here, rather than there." Irina didn't say anything when she noticed the girls formed a straight line as if welcoming someone into the ballroom.

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