Chapter 32 - It Ends Now

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"We really going to march in their hideout? Are you sure they won't shoot at us?" Angelica asked as she trying to followed Irina's footstep. They're currently on their way to save Althea by foot. Because of the rough mountain terrains, it's hard for any type of land vehicle to even try to climb the hills except for using a helicopter.

"I don't say they will not shoot us. I said it's safer by foot." Irina turned around to a very tired Angelica. "You look like shit." Irina said as she sat on a stone. "You try to climb the mountain carrying two AR-15 assault rifle on your back." Angelica took a deep breath before chugging down her water bottle.

Andropova and Nazarova was not in their good shape as well as they simply let go of their heavy backpack and laid on the ground, trying to catch on their breathing. "Seriously, you three are so out of shape." All three of them glared at Irina. "You only carrying two katana's that currently strapped around your waist. We have to carry firearms and bombs!"

Irina quickly ran towards Angelica and covered her mouth when she heard someone coming to their way. Andropova and Nazarova jolted up and grabbed their backpack and hid themselves from view. Irina placed a finger on her lips to tell everyone to be quiet.

"Are you sure those Volin girls will not use the rockets? What if they shoot the mountain top? Asked a person who wore an Audra official academy uniform. "And risk killing the hostage? It's like you don't know Irina and the others. I'm sure, right now, they're on their way to get the hostage back." Irina watched as the two figures carried a huge bag with them.

"It's a wise decision to run away. I really don't want to meet Irina when she's angry. Remember mission Chaos? She literally blow those politician to smithereens! Only blood and pieces of bones fragment could identify the person." Irina smiled. "Anyway, let's go. We don't want to have the same faith as the commander." They said before continuing their journey.

Angelica sighed and just reached for the map again. "Since we're half way up, the obvious route to the top will be this terrain. So we have to use the opposite way. Is that okay?" Irina nodded. "Andropova. You and Nazarova must take this other route and use your expertise in bombs and explosive to destroy every enemy on side. Remember, they may be our comrade in the past but now, they're our enemy."

Their minds went back to when Barkova and Balbateva was shoot. "Alright. What about you?" Andropova asked. "Irina and I will take the heads on approach. That is simply attacking them in sight, charging recklessly." Angelica sighed again. "If I die, I'll haunt you down." She said to Irina.

"You do carried enough ammo right?" Angelica nodded. "Good. You'll have the absolute fun killing my father. I'll do the rescuing." All three of them were applaud by Irina's sudden order. "He hurt me. I won't go easy on him. Not anymore." Irina clenching her fist when she think back about her father's decision to kidnapped Althea.

"There's no time to lose. Commence operation saving Althea ..... well... again .... now!"

After they went on their parted path, Irina kept a close eyes to her surrounding. Angelica was just reloading her rifle when she heard a rustling sound coming from somewhere around them. Irina stopped dead on her track and looked around. "Shit..." she breath out and turned around slowly. She pointed at something, telling Angelica about their situation using her eyes.

"Fuck ...." they were both currently standing on top of an active land mine. "Slight movement and we're gone. How nice." Irina being sarcastic. "Trying to escape is futile." A voice said. Irina and Angelica looked at each other and try to even their foot. A slight pressure will trigger the mines. "Is that you, Mariya?" It chuckled. "You still remembered me, Irina?"

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