Chapter 23 - Thorough Plan

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"You alive?" Varvara pushed my shoulder as I asked Zoya that question. Zoya chuckled. "I know what I did was stupid. I'm sorry everyone." Currently we're in Volin's Hospital wing, visiting Zoya. "You're lucky you know that." Zoya nodded. Varvara smiled. "Don't do anything stupid again. Or else." Zoya chuckled.

"Or else what?" She asked.

"Or else I'll be the one who kill you." We all turned to the door and saw Evara walking in the ward with a bag. "Your mother packed everything when I went to your home." Zoya thanked her. So Evara met her mother huh? That's good. Finally. Maybe this suicide attempt actually be the turning point for their relationship.

"We saw your last battle Irina. It was intense." I smiled at Zoya. "As long the job is done." She smiled back. "Evara.." she called and pulled her down. She whispered to her ear. "No. I made up my mind." Was all Evara said and went to the bathroom. Zoya sighed and scratched her head. "What's up with that?" Athena asked.

"Apparently, I have a girlfriend now." Both Varvara and Athena gasped. "OH MY! Congratulation!" Zoya seems to be unhappy. "But.." Athena covered her mouth. "No buts. Just do what Varvara and I did. Get to know each other and then, I'm sure there will be sparks. Trust us." I chuckled.

Just few months ago she was head over heels for me. "Irina. What are you laughing at?" Zoya asked. "Oh nothing. It's just, I'm happy." I look at the time and excuse myself from everyone. I have to meet the 7 Demon girls after this. Few days ago I asked them to investigate about  Vörös and apparently they now have some information regarding them.

Since mom is out of town, I asked them to use the equipment in her office because her computers had everything inside. The complete information about every school for assassins. And I'm sure Vörös is there too. I knocked and it was Angelica who opened them. "You will not like this." Angelica sighed.

"What did you gathered?" They all looked at each other before Andropova pressed a key on the keyboard. "Irina, Vörös has done inhumane experiment on human beings. Their student to be exact." My eyes widen when they showed me a picture of foetuses in test tubes. "They also done experiment on females that has two genders. You know, hermaphrodite."

Karena went to my mind. She's one of those. "What kind of experiment they do to hermaphrodite student?" Angelica nodding her head to Andropova. "They recreating them. They took homeless girls and turned them into it. Their technology was one of the most advance technology in the world. But they use it on their student to make them, superhuman. To be like you."

"Are you saying they turned a perfect girl to a hermaphrodite?" Angelica nodded. "Mama has been investigating that school as well. But she has no proof that it's a real deal. She wants to stop them. But, the assassins association wants more proof than mere reports." Fuck those association. They letting my crush suffer because they wanted more proof?!

"Go to the system and find Althea. I don't know the last name." Andropova nodded. "Angelica, does the others ready to follow my orders if I instructed them?" She nodded. "They're ready, my master." I smiled. Good. Because I need to infiltrate Vörös school to save her. She doesn't need to be in captivity anymore. She can be free. Her and her kids.

"Found her. Althea Stanza. Age 21." Andropova announced. I went to her side and smiled at her picture. "Anything about her?" Andropova typing a little bit more until tabs after tabs were bombarded on the screens. "Oh my God." Andropova breath out. "She's one of those student that actually still alive after being use to carried the children they creating."

"How many?" I asked. "5. Including a pair of twins. Also this kid known as VTS 1." Angelica went to my side. "Are you intend to save her?" She asked. How did she know? "I've been your friend and ex girlfriend. I know what's inside your mind Irina." I sighed. I can't lied to her about anything. I chuckled. "She gained my attention Angelica. I can't let her go."

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