The Water Lily of District 4

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Chapter 1

I wake up with a start as my alarm blares. My heart beats violently against my chest. I look out my window to see the beautiful sunrise over the ocean. The water seems so perfect, so still, while the waves crash against the shore.

"Wow. This is something the Capitol people don't get to enjoy everyday." I sit on my window sill and take in the beauty and serenity when my gaze falls on my calendar. I feel like I've been bit by a ton of bricks when I realize what today is.

It's Reaping day.

The Hunger Games are here again.

The realization that there will be 23 more deaths that we are forced to watch is sickening and heartbreaking. If I am Reaped, I'll at least stand a better chance of making it out alive. District 4 is a Career district. I've been trained in the basics of combat and survival by former Victors of the Hunger Games, Mags and Finnick.

While Finnick is one year my senior, he won the Games at 14 and became the youngest Victor in History. I remember being terrified when he was Reaped since he was my best friend. Upon his return, however, I was the first to welcome him. He changed drastically though. His public appearance now makes him, well, a sex symbol.

It's not the Finnick I grew up with. When he is with me, he's the guy I knew his as before the Games.

This is my final Reaping. I'm 18, so if I get past today, I'll be safe. Well...safer. I'll still be at the mercy of District 4.

"Annie, darling!" my mother bursts into the room holding a covered hanger. Another dress, I assume.

"What mother?" I say, trying to hide my extreme annoyance with mother's lavish gifts. Being the Mayor's daughter, we have enough money to feed the entire District, and then some. My mother spoils me, for I am her only daughter, but I will not take a penny I have not worked for.

"I got you a new dress for today, my love!" my mother hangs the dress on a hook.

"Not another gown, mother! Our people are struggling and you keep importing things from the Districts." I scowl. I am not a girly girl. I would rather wear pants and a t-shirt.

"This one is different."

"You said that about the last one."

"Just open it, Annie." I take the cover off of the dress and see a simple, white, dress that falls to the knee. The sleeves fall at the elbow.

"Mom, it's perfect! Thank you!" I hug her.

"I know you're not into the glitz an the glamour, but since it's your last Reaping, I wanted it to reflect who you are." My mom strokes a lock of my red hair. "My little Water Lily."

"Thanks mom." I smile.

"Uh, Reaping is in an hour. You better get ready, my love." She leaves the room and I notice that she's crying. I've never seen her cry and I know she's just as afraid as I.

I slip on the dress and carefully pull my hair back into a ponytail and tie it with my favorite blue bow. I begin curling my bangs when I hear a voice, from outside my window, quoting the playwright, William Shakespeare. Only this had a special twist. And only one person knows of my love of Shakespeare.

"But soft! Through yonder window breaks! It is the East, and Annie Cresta is the sun."

"Finnick!" I run to my window to see him standing there.

"Do you have some time before the Reaping?"

"It doesn't start for 20 minutes. Of course I have time." I smile. I run down the stairs, passing my father and older brother.

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