Uncharted WatersPart II

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Chapter 12

Augustus carefully examines me, circling me over and over again.

"You keep pacing and it's making me dizzy." I say, grabbing onto my crutches to stand. The blue dress he has me in falls just above my knee, similar to the one I wore during the Reaping.

"I still don't see why you chose not to have the surgery on your ankle." He hisses.

"It will heal on its own. That is what the body is designed to do." I hiss back. Augustus glares at me and leaves. Finnick appears at the door and smiles.

"You look beautiful, Annie." He hands me a flower. A delicate, white rose. "Compliments of President Snow."

"Thank you." I smile, kissing his cheek.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Do I have a choice?" I squeeze his hand. "As long as I have you beside me, I'll be okay." Finn smiles and escorts me to the edge of the stage. I watch Caesar Flickerman address the crowd and he introduces me. I hobble out with Finnick at my side. Caesar looks at me skeptically for a moment, but says nothing.

"Annie, these Games seemed to go very well for you up until the end. Anything you wish to talk about?"

Finnick squeezes my hand in support.

"Losing Atlas," I choke back my tears, "was harder than you'll ever understand. He wasn't just my District partner. He was my friend."

"Our friend." Finnick adds. His voice lacks the usual seductive tone. For the first time in nearly 2 years, Finnick is himself in the eyes of the Capitol.

"I see. Finnick, did you and Atlas ever make amends before he entered the Arena?"

"Regrettably, no." Finnick answers. "I tried on more than one occasion to mend the friendship, so things could be the way they were before." Finn looks at me and I attempt to smile. Caesar looks back at me.

"Annie, I'm sure everyone is wondering why you chose to have your Mentor here on stage with you tonight."

I swallow hard and answer truthfully.

"I, uh, I've been struggling the last few days since I came out of the Arena. Physically, emotionally. I needed someone I trust next to me during this, to help me cope with everything."

"You described earlier, your relationship with Mags. Where is she?"

"Mags returned to District 4 for Health reasons. She suffered a stroke before I entered the Arena. Otherwise, she'd be here with me as well." I can hear the crowd gasp in alarm at the news of Mags' stroke. I'm still stunned.

"Well, we will be remembering Mags and wishing her a speedy recovery. Allow us to take a moment to look back at some of the highlights of this year's Games."

The lights begin to dim and my heart begins to race. Finnick looks at me nervously and squeezes my hand. My Training photo appears on the screen with my name, District, age, odds of winning, and title of Victor. The screen flashes to white and the Cornucopia appears on the screen. The image pans out to see all 24 Tributes, then focuses on me. I take note of the expression on my face. It reads of severe unbridled focus and I discover a sly grin creep across my face. It isn't me on the screen, it's a bloodthirsty killer.

"Is that really how I looked?" I whisper to Finnick. He nods. I nervously watch my doppleganger as she dives from the pedistal and sprints to the pile of weapons. In horror, I witness the sweet, innocent, Water Lily of District 4 melt away to the stone cold predator of the sea. My focus is then on Atlas. Memories of him, Finnick, and I together come flooding back. Seeing his face again, alive, brings some sort of peace. I smile a little and grasp Finnick's hand. I don't want to take my eyes away from him.

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