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Chapter 10

I allow the tide to take me as far as I can to save energy, but Monty is still gaining. I hear him panting as he stays above the water and also as he yells obscenities at me. The current is getting faster, meaning that we are quickly approaching the waterfall. My heart is beating as quick as the tide is moving. The sense of urgency is dire.

I look over my shoulder to see Monty a few feet behind me. He reaches to grab my leg, but I dive under the water, escaping his grasp. I fight my way over to the side of the ravine before coming up for air. I am behind my opponent, but the waterfall is getting nearer.

"I hope this works!" I pray. What I am about to do, only one person in all of D4 has ever pulled off. Hundreds have tried and ended up dying. But if I want to win, it has to work.

Monty looks around in confusion before spotting me. He tries to swim towards me, but grabs onto the large stone towards the edge. I release my perch and swim towards him.

"Cresta! Come out and fight me like a man!" He screams.

"I'm not a man! I'm a woman!" I scream back. He throws his sword at me like a spear and is buried in a plank of driftwood a few inches from me but Monty doesn't seem to realize his fatal mistake. I now have a weapon, he does not. I grab it and allow myself to follow the current towards him. Monty dives into the water, but is quickly swept away by the tide. The waterfall is now 100 feet in front of us.

Monty panics and screams out for help.

I clutch Monty's sword in my hands, waiting for the perfect moment.

As we get closer to the edge, Monty grabs onto a rock over the edge, clinging to it for dear life. I allow myself to be carried to the edge and just as I am about to plummet more than 200 feet to my demise, I drive the sword into a crevasse of the cliff's rocky surface. I grab onto the handle like my lifeline. I look up at Monty, feigning helpless.

"Give up, Cresta. I can do this all day." Monty laughs nervously. "You are right in the water's path!"

"Flooding only lasts so long over a cliff." I respond, noting that the cascade is beginning to slow down. My best chance is in the hopes that his grip will falter first. I just need to hold on.

What seems like eternity passes before the flow completely stops. The sword begins to loosen from the crevasse so I carefully grab onto the rocky face of the cliff and find a foothold. My hand slips, resulting in a nasty gash in my palm and forearm. I pull myself upward until I am back on safe ground. I look down to see that Monty is still hanging on, but begins to lose his grip. I need to tell him the truth before it's too late.

"Monty, just so you know, I did not kill Zoey." I say standing above him. He looks up at me, his body shaking from fatigue and from the cold. I seriously consider killing him out of mercy, but I can't bring myself to do it.

"You-you didn't?" His voice shakes.

"No. She drowned. I tried to save her. She was trapped in a cavern." I say. Monty slowly nods.

"Cresta..." He begins, "thanks for trying." I nod and a weak smile creeps across my face. Monty bows his head in exhaustion. I grasp my dagger behind my back, still wanting to extend mercy before he suffers anymore.


He just...lets go.

I stand watching as he disappears from view and I don't even hear the Cannon. Next thing I know, a rope ladder drops from a hovercraft right in front of me. I grab it and pull myself up. The pain in my ankle returns as I crawl into the deck. A young doctor tries to grab me, but I look up to see Atlas' face.

"Annie," he says. He even sounds like Atlas. I scream and try to get away from him. Another doctor comes in and tries to grab me. I pull my knife out and try to fight him off.

"Finnick! Finnick!" I scream out for my mentor and friend as Peacekeepers wrestle the razor out of my hands and pin me to the wall. "Finnick! Finnick, save me!"
A doctor stabs my neck with a syringe and injects me with something. I have no idea what they gave me, but I feel weak and drowsy. The Peacekeepers release their grip as I begin to slump along the wall.

"Finnick. . . Finn. . ." I soon feel strong, familiar arms wrap around me.

"I'm here, Annie. I'm here. I've got you. you're safe now." Finnick's voice sweeps over me.

Then there is darkness.

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