Stormy Seas Ahead (II)

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Chapter 5

I sit nervously waiting for my turn with the Game Makers. I glance around the room and notice the lower Districts are fidgety and I'm pretty sure the District 6 girl looks like she's going to throw up. Atlas leans against the wall, glaring at me and the other Tributes. He appears much more intimidating than he actually is. I know better. He may be strong, but he isn't as brave as he claims to be.

Annie Cresta

My heart hits the floor as my name is called. I swallow hard and walk to the door. All of the Tributes seem to stop what they're doing and stare at me. Atlas doesn't look at me at all. He turns away. The door opens and I see the long room a head of me. I scan the room, trying to decide what I wish to show them. I see the pool on the other end with several targets set up on the other side. I see a table filled with knifes, spears, a bow with arrows, and a long sword. I hear the Game Makers whistle at me in an inappropriate gesture. Perverts.

"Annie Cresta, District 4." I say, timidly. I begin to walk over to the pool when I hear the Game Makers making more comments about me.

"She's a pretty one."

"Are we sure she's from District 4? She has to be a Capitol child."

"It will be a shame if she dies in the Arena."

"I'd give up being a Game Maker for her!"

"She looks too gentle to be a killer."

I cover my mouth to silence a laugh. That's too precious. Apparently, they have not seen me with Atlas. I need to prove them wrong and now is my chance. I grab several knives and take my position at the edge of the pool. An alarm blares and I throw 3 of the knives, striking the targets dead center. I dive into the water and swim under the surface, releasing another knife blindly. I come up for air and throw the last 2 knifes, hitting the targets in the head. I dive back under the water and make my way back to the opposite side. My hand touches the wall and the signal blares. The Game Makers are absolutely silent. They stare in awe at the knifes buried into the target. I get up from the water and examine them closer. The knifes are up the handle in the ballistics material of the mannequins.

"Ms. Cresta, can you swim the lap again? We would like to keep track of your time." The head Game Maker finally breaks the silence. I nod. It's not like I can object right? I take my mark and wait for a moment. The alarm blares and I dive back into the water. I force myself to swim faster and harder than I have ever done before. I finish and pull myself from the water, shaking from the cold. I look up at the timer. 18.74 seconds to complete a 50 meter lap.

"Not bad." I say to myself. The Game Makers exchange a few words before dismissing me. As I exit, the other Tributes look at me nervously. I wring out my ponytail and continue walking as Finnick approaches me.

"Hi Finn." I say, trying to stop shivering.

"Annie. . .why are you all wet?" He looks at me skeptically.

"I had to swim for the Game Makers." He begins to take off his jacket and drape it around my shoulders. "Finnick, please. You don't have to give me your jacket."

"I want to." He objects. We walk back to the apartment together, his arm around my shoulders. We carefully dodge the gaze of Peacekeepers posted around the hallways. I think one saw us, but he looked away. We reach the apartment and Finnick looks at me tenderly, his sea green eyes sparkling. He brushes my soaked hair from in front of my eyes. He leans closer to me.

"Finnick. . .stop. . ." I begin to protest, but I am stopped when his lips meet mine. I want tell him everything. How I feel. How long I've felt like this. This moment seems perfect...until I hear someone angrily clearing their throat behind us. Finnick and I quickly push away from each other.

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