Storm Brewing

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Chapter 7

I wake up to Pearl's obnoxious yelling right outside my door. She's yelling at Finnick about something. She probably knows about last night. I haven't seen her in days, now she is here the day I enter the Arena.

"Oh joy." I mutter sarcastically. I roll out of bed and I see my Arena uniform sitting on the credenza across the room. My heart quickens its pace as I lift it from its resting place. White, fitted, thermal top with a black number 4 on the left shoulder, black, skin tight pants, and black combat boots. I see a white bandana sitting on top of it all. I quickly pull everything on and head out to the dinning room. Atlas is waiting there for me, as is Finnick and Pearl.

"Today is probably the last time I may ever get to give you instruction. Both of you have done well in training, but that will not be enough. The two of you will eventually turn on each other. While in the Arena, you represent your families, each other, Mags and I, and most importantly, District 4." His voice is grave, the gravity of his words weighing heavily on our shoulders. "Most Tributes will stick together as long as possible. That is especially true for District 4. Never swim alone." He starts to get choked up. "I never realized how hard it would be to send my best friends into the Arena. I wish we had more time to make amends, but that is not the case. If I see you again, it will be a joyful occasion. If not, know that you have not died in vain. Happy Hunger Games," He says, his voice wavering. "May the odds be ever in your favor."

8 Peacekeepers enter the room, 4 to escort me, 4 for Atlas. I follow them quietly to the loading dock and they shove me into the Hovercraft. I take a seat next to Jay and Zoey, taking a deep breath as the Hovercraft takes to the air. A Peacekeeper grabs my left arm and before I can ask questions, she stabs me with a long needle in my forearm. I cringe, knowing that this little thing implanted in my arm will determine if I'm alive or dead. I rub my arm, trying to relieve the sting when Jay addresses me.

"You ready, 4?"

"No." I answer coldly. "I will be." The words are not my own. They are the words of a cold-blooded killer, not an 18 year old girl. I shouldn't have to do this. Nobody should be put through this. But if I am to have a future with Finnick and make it home, I need to. I glance around the room at the girl Tributes around me. A few look intimidated and afraid, others are trying their hardest to display a poker face, but are failing. We sit in silence as the Hovercraft lands at the Arena. A robotic voice begins calling off names and Districts one by one.

Janelle Addams, District 1

Zoey Everet, District 2

Paisly Evans, District 3

Annie Cresta, District 4

Zipphorah Algirdas, District 5

Willow Rankin, District 6

Thalia Jardine, District 7

Terra Inchcape, District 8

Jordan Claire, District 9

Eta Herriot, District 10

Zenobia Lascius, District 11

Emma Taylor, District 12

As we are called, Peacekeepers stand at our sides to escort us to the Arena launch room. We exit and everyone is greeted by 2 more Peacekeepers to prevent us from running. Why would we? We're dead if we try and we're dead if we don't try to run. I again get shoved into a small room with a glass elevator and Augustus is sitting there waiting for me. He says nothing, instead, fitting me with a thin, thermal jacket. It's white, just like my shirt, with a black stripe running down the sleeve, a black 4 on the left side of my chest. He ties the bandana in my hair carefully before addressing me.

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