Chapter 3

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{Persephone POV}

Once we got outside Grover and I went to sit at the fountain.

"Sad isn't it?" I asked looking around.

"What?" Grover asked confused.

"Nature. sometimes I wonder what the world look without the pollution" I looked over to him smiling " I wanna live in a white cottage in the woods surrounded by a rainbow of flowers and big tall trees, you know?" I said.

"Yeah" he said with a goofy grin.

"I wanna get married, have a boy and a girl." I continued with a far away look. That kind of life seemed so fairy tale to me. funny huh? coming from a girl who basically is a living fairytale.

Just as I was about to dig into my lunch Nancy and her posse graced Grover and I their appearance. Nancy promptly dumped her lunch onto Grover.

"Oops" She said with a nasty smirk plastered on her face. I'm not gonna lie Nancy had a way of driving me batty just by being in my vicinity, so it's no surprise when I lost control and summoned a water snake to snatch her and throw her into the water fountain.

Of course by time all this happened I realized mistake. On one hand Nancy looked like a very unhappy drowned cat and on the other Mrs. Dodds looked quite pleased she has been waiting for me to make this mistake for a long time.

"Ms. Jackson we need to have a talk" she stated quite clearly that it was not a suggestion but a command.

"Wait!" Grover pleaded "it wasn't percy I pushed Nancy!" Mrs. Dodds gave him the 'as if' look

"I don't think so Mr. Underwood"

"Thanks for trying, but this is my problem." I said as I turned away to follow Mrs. Dodds Into the Gallery.

Before Mrs. Dodds got a chance to open her mouth I spoke

"So, how long have you known I'm a demigod?"

"Well your a smart one aren't you?" She stated while circling the room as I was discretely placing my hand on my knife in my side pocket.

"I've known since I came to kill another half blood, two half bloods how convenient for me but not so very convenient for you" she said facing me.

"Dose anyone else know of me?" I asked

"No, and they never will" She screeched as she transformed and lunged twoards me. I spun sideways and readyed myself for her next move. She lunged once more in a few flurried kicks and punches I drove my knife into her neck and she flickered like lights then instantly turned into gold partical dust.

As I was about to leave in the doorway sat a shocked Mr. Brunner. I didnt give him a chance to speak.

"Forget I was here, don't come looking for me, just leave me alone" I said before I ran out the doors, down the steps, and into the streets.

I kept running till I made it to the forests. I took a moment to catch my breath, then transported myself to my dorm at Yancy to gather my things and erase any evidence I'd ever been there.

There would be things I would miss here the provided food, the ethereal nature I could see from my window, but most of all Grover.

I let a few tears fall but I knew I needed to go so with all my things I transported myself home.

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