Chapter 3 On the Ship

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Izzy slowly opens her eyes, once again adjusting to the light. She looks around to find herself on a bed in a small room. She sits up and notices that her head hurts, the pain coming her where she hit her head.

She leans her head against the wall and wraps her arms around herself. The only source of light she has is a small lantern that is sitting on a table. She can't see much and shivers. She feels around and finds the blanket to curl up and keep warm.

Time passes and Izzy sits in the dark. She doesn't know how long it is before the door opens and someone walks in.

"Izzy?" Jack asks walking in with another lantern and a plate, both he sets on the table.

She looks up and watched him sit down on the edge of the bed. She pulls the blanket tighter around herself. The dress she's wearing isn't heavy or anything. She knows that if Jack or anyone else wanted their way with her, she couldn't stop him, and her dress wouldn't help.

"Izzy," Jack says. "Come sit next to me.

She moves closer to Jack but isn't next to him. They had gotten along so well in the woods and Izzy had really liked him. Now she's sitting in what she assumes is his room, not knowing what's going on.

Jack grabs a lantern and holds it up to her face. She tries to turn away from the lights, but Jack catches her chin, stopping her. She closes her eyes because of the light. "It looks better than it did. I cleaned it up. How does it feel?"

"My head hurts." She says softly, opening her eyes.

"Drink some of this." He says trading out of the lantern for a cup. Izzy tried to back away from it, but Jack stops her. "I promise you that it's just water."

Izzy cautiously drinks that water, watching Jack. "Are you hungry?"

"No," she says shaking her head, her voice still soft.

"You need to eat. You've been out for nearly a day."

Her eyes widen. Nearly a day is a long time to be out. "So, you'll eat?"

She shakes her head again. "You're going to eat. Don't make this any harder than it needs to be. I don't want to hurt you, but I'll keep you alive."

Izzy looks away and Jack sighs. He doesn't want to do it the hard way. He grabs the plate and moves closer to her. She pulls the blanket closer around her. "Are you cold?"

She shakes her head and picks up one of the reasons why she's scared. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"You just said you didn't want to, not that you wouldn't."

"I meant... I promise that I won't touch you." He says.

She just looks at the ground, keeping the blanket wrapped around her. He sighs and holds some food up to her mouth. Izzy refuses to open her mouth. "Please Izzy, don't make this hard."

He presses the food against her lips, but she still refuses. "Izzy, come on." She shakes her head.

He grabs her face, forcing her mouth open. He puts the food in her mouth and lets go but covers her mouth. "Don't spit that out. I don't want this to be hard, but if you spit that out, this is going to be hard."

Izzy does as she's told, trying not to cry. Jack removes his hand, putting another bite up to her lips, and she opens her mouth. She doesn't want to eat, but she doesn't want marks left, or her face to hurt.

Jack is happy that he's eating. She needs the strength, living on a ship. He makes her finish it and she's relieved when she's finished.

She watches as Jack takes off his boots. "Move over." He says.

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