Chapter 5 Aftermath

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"Here's your food," Finn says putting the food down on the ground. Izzy looks up from where she's sitting on the ground. "Oh, and be ready because this ship is going to start moving."

"Moving?" she asks.

"Yes, this ship is going to be leaving port."

When Izzy doesn't respond Finn leaves her with her thoughts. It's been four days and she's only seen Finn, who gives her food, and the captain. The captain came to check on her, making sure Jack did what he was supposed to. He also gave her a blanket, knowing she was going to need it.

She hadn't seen Jack at all and felt torn about it. She doesn't want to see him and wants off the ship altogether. However, she'd rather be with him than in the cell.

She slowly gets up and grabs the food before returning to her warm spot. She nibbles on the bread but isn't that hungry. As she curls up, prepared to not move like any other day, the ship starts to sway a lot more than it had been. She holds on to the wooden bars holding her in. The ship is moving, but this is a lot harder than she expected.

Her frown deepens as the only thing she can do is hang on.


The moment Jack is able to get away, once the weather had calmed a bit, he rushes down to see Izzy. He sees her laying on the ground.

He unlocks the door to see that she's sleeping. He gently shakes her away, causing her to look up at him. "Come on, get up." He says, gently. She takes his help and he leads her back to his room.

"Has it already been seven days?" she asks.

"Nom it's only been five, but that storm was hell and you're freezing." She doesn't argue, happy she's free but cold.

They make it back and Izzy sits on his bed. He goes over to a cabinet and pulls out clothes for Izzy. "Here's a dress and pants. Wear both of them, we're heading towards colder weather. I'll be back with hopefully warm food. Change."

Izzy nods as Jack leaves. As soon as he's gone she gets up and changes into the dress, liking that it's heavier than the one she was wearing. She then slips on the pants. She feels warmer and safe with the pants and dress, but mainly pants.

About ten minutes later Jack comes back with a bowl of food. He smiles when he sees that she's changed. "How are the clothes?" he asks.

"I like them, thank you. Can I ask why there are plants?" she asks, losing her confidence at the end, getting quieter.

He nods sitting down next to her. "A dress isn't exactly the best thing to be wearing on a ship in general, let alone a ship full of men. We can't have you only in pants, that's not proper and you've gained no respect yet. I doubt you'd be comfortable on just pants either, would you?" Izzy shakes her head. "That's what I thought. Of course, the last reason is the weather. It's cold as you know. Layers help."

Izzy nods, understanding. Jack grabs a bowl and holds it out to her. "It's warm and I know you're cold." He tells her. She hesitates but takes it from him.

He smiles as he picks up his own bowl. As long as it's cold, she'll eat warm food just to stay warm. He doesn't care about much as long as she eats. "How is it?" he asks.

"It's pretty good." He nods, figuring after eating bread and a piece of fruit or two, that this would be good.

"Were, were we in a storm? Is that why everything was rough?" Izzy asks. "I think that's what you said when you let me out, but I'm not sure I heard you right."

"No, you heard me right. We were in a storm. It wasn't good. I was out in it. I'm sure you felt it."

"I was able to hold on, so it wasn't too bad."

"That's good. Preferably during the first storm, I was hoping it wouldn't be so big and I'd have you in here with me, so I could help you learn how to handle it." Jack tells her.

"Oh, but you were up above?"

"Yes, it was a bad storm, my help was needed, especially since I'll take over this ship from my father someday."

Izzy stops eating and looks at him. Take over the ship from his father? That means unless she can get away from him, she'll be stuck on this ship for the rest of her life. That thought scares her.

"Are you okay? You stopped eating."

"I'm fine." She says taking a bite. She's fine as she can be.

He finishes his food and sets his bowl on the table. "I know this is hard, Izzy, but things get easier with time."

"Not when I don't want to be here." She says finding some confidence.

"Well, we're in the middle of the ocean, so you're stuck for now."

"You're never going to let me go, are you?"

"No, if I was going to do that, you wouldn't be here in the first place," Jack tells her. Izzy doesn't say anything and keeps her eyes on the food she's eating. "Finish your food and go to bed. I'll be back later, I have a few things I need to do yet tonight."

He leaves Izzy with her food. She finished her food and crawls into bed. She lays there for a while before Jack comes back. She listens as he takes off his boots and feels as he gets into bed. She can't see him since she's facing the wall.

"Izzy." He says softly, causing her to close her eyes, pretending to be asleep. She doesn't want to talk to him anymore today. Jack sighs as he lays down next to her and gently runs a finger along her hair. "This will get easier with time, I promise."

Izzy squeezes theblanket that she's holding on to, to not give herself away with tears. Easier?She doesn't want things to get easier. Things got easier means she stays on theship and that's not what she wants. 

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