six | lakehouse

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this chapter is dedicated to hunnuh [hannah] @inkedmalik. she tells the worst jokes ever but i love her for that. but seriously those jokes are horrible <3

okay so i've been thinking about writing another story as soon as speech is over [i only planned on having 10 chapters but ill see if its longer or not] but the problem is i don't know what i should write. anybody have any suggestions? \\ external link guys: vote and comment; thanks

sorry for any mistakes.

constant characters: zayn and louise



ZAYN: hey louise

LOUISE: oh hey.

ZAYN: what's up?

LOUISE: nothing, you?

ZAYN: is there something wrong?

LOUISE: no, everything's fine.

ZAYN: are you sure? 

LOUISE: positive.

ZAYN: well okay... (turns radio back up)

LOUISE: (hums along to the song) and i told you to be patient...

ZAYN: (smiles) i didn't know you could sing

LOUISE: there are somethings you don't know about me.

ZAYN: ditto.

LOUISE: oh really? what?

ZAYN: and i told you to be balanced.

LOUISE: whoa, that was amazing. sing the rest of the song?

ZAYN: and now all your love is wasted, then who the hell was i? 'cause now i'm breaking at the britches, and at the end of all your lines.

LOUISE: who will love you? who will fight? and who will fall far behind?

ZAYN: Come on skinny love...

Scene 2

LOUISE: turn here zayn.

ZAYN: okay.

LOUISE: here we are!

ZAYN: what's this place?

LOUISE: my dad and i passed it on our way here, the first day i came. i asked him about it and he said it was an old lake house, but people still visit it. it's supposed to be famous or some crap like that. let's go zayn. (heads up path onto boardwalk)

ZAYN: are you sure it's safe?

LOUISE: zayn, there are people inside, i'm pretty sure it's safe.

ZAYN: alright (sighs and follows louise)

LOUISE: my dad was telling me about it, he said that i belonged to someone famous but they up and left, leaving it vacant. it was discovered by some little kids who were told to go play elsewhere and they came upon this place and called it theirs. they grew up and then their children came to play in it. it's like handed down to generations. the kids eventually sold it to some museum who made it like an open house so that anybody could come whenever they like. it's always open, even during the night. 

ZAYN: you know a lot more than i do, and i lived here longer.

LOUISE: (shrugs) i like to know my facts.

Scene 3

LOUISE: wanna sit? you look tired.

ZAYN: yes please. (sits on the dock)

LOUISE: sorry...

ZAYN: for what?

LOUISE: this morning and now for making you walk so long.

ZAYN: it's alright.

LOUISE: okay (sits next to him)

ZAYN: you like it here?

LOUISE: yea it's quiet out here.

ZAYN: no, i meant you like here with your dad?

LOUISE: (bits lip) yea, it's a great change of scenery. i wasn't always close to my dad even before he left. after i moved here i guess i've gotten closer to him then before but i'm starting to miss my mom.

ZAYN: have you talked to her at all?

LOUISE: time zones zayn, whenever i'm up she's asleep and vice versa. 

ZAYN: oh, that must be hard.

LOUISE: it is. (wipes eyes)

ZAYN: wanna go back?

LOUISE: yea. can we get something to eat?

ZAYN: (laughs) of course.

this is just a filler chapter, nothing special happened.

okay so the ship name can either be zouise, layn or louayn.
choose one?


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