eight | la la la

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this chapter is dedicated to my sex fiend and Tristan Evans lover Noelle [@tossers] she's seriously amazing and makes me laugh all the time, and i love her for it. she knows how to cheer me up when i'm down and i'd do anything to see her smile. she's flawless and anybody to say otherwise is a piece of crap.

6 more days weyhey (: 

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sorry for any spelling or punctuation mistakes you may find, feel free to point them out to me. i won't have time to go back and reread it myself.

constant characters: zayn, louise, and harry



LOUISE: (knocks) hello? is anyone home?

ZAYN: (opens door) louise? it's three in the morning what're you -- have you been crying? come in.

LOUISE: (wipes face) um i'm fine, i just needed to get away from my house for a bit. is anyone else awake?

ZAYN: well, you remember how i told you some of my friends were coming to visit right? (louise nods) he's here. now.

LOUISE: oh god, i'm so sorry, i must be intruding. god i feel stupid. (makes way to door) sorry, i'll just leave.

ZAYN: no, no it's fine louise. you can stay. i sorta want you to meet him anyways. 

LOUISE: oh um now? can i like, clean up? my face is probably red right now.

ZAYN: (blushes) oh uh yea, the bathroom is down the hall to the right.

LOUISE: thanks.

ZAYN: (sighs) harry where are you?

HARRY: right here mate. who was the girl?

ZAYN: (mumbles) louise.

HARRY: (gasp) the louise? the one you wouldn't shut up about?

ZAYN: (blushes) yes that louise.

HARRY: well bring her here, i need to meet her.

ZAYN: but can you just, be nice to her? i really like this girl.

HARRY: when am i never not nice?

ZAYN: (glares) remember jenn?

HARRY: she was a bitch zayn, don't lie.

ZAYN: even if she was, please be nice to louise.

HARRY: if you insist. (looks at zayn) you must really like her if you're asking me to nice.

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