Chapter Two

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 “I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.”

 Sophie Mills P.O.V

"Soph, Sophie. Wake up," I blinked few times then opened my eyes. I found my dad was sitting beside me on my bed. 

"Good morning milkshake," My dad said with a meek smile.

I smiled back then gave him a kiss on the cheek. I looked beside me and didn't find my books. I spent all night a long reading my new books, then I fell in a deep sleep. 

"Where are my books?" I asked my dad.

"Yeah, I put them on your desk," My dad pointed to my desk.

I nodded, then hopped from my bed to open the window. I looked at the o'clock and it was 9 am. It's Saturday. Means no school.

"Dad," I groaned. "Why did you wake me? It's too early for Saturday,"

"It's not me. No, don't blame me, it's your friend," My dad said, putting his hands in front of him in defensive way.

"What? Is it Dorothy?" I asked with a confuse tone.

"Yes," My dad nodded.

"What does she want now?" I mumbled and grabbed my phone to call her.

Whilst I was busy with my phone my dad stood up and said, "Okay. I'm going to work," My dad said, giving me a kiss on my forehead.

I looked up at him, "Wait I will make you a break fast," I said.

"No sweetie I've already eaten," My dad winked. Then he made his way out the room. He turned back and said, "And yeah, your break fast is ready too," Then this time he walked away.

My dad has his own workshop. He's making the wooden furniture and these things. Our house's furniture was made by my dad. His work is very beautiful and splendid. His workshop is not far from our house. Two streets from our house. My mother also used to be an artist. She was drawing beautiful portraits. Our house fulls with my mother portraits and her works.

After my mother has gone, my dad used to do everything. He was cooking, cleaning, working and doing all the tasks just to make me feel fully completed. He didn't want me to feel that something was missing in our life. However I miss my mother, my dad is always beside me. I used to tell my dad everything. However sometimes it feels awkward I come to him and tell him everything.

I dialed Dorothy's number. It only rang once, then she answered. 

"You must have something important to tell or I will kill you," I said through the phone, throwing myself again on my bed.

"Oh my god you are awake," Dorothy was surprised.

"No I'm still asleep," I said, making a fake snoring.

Dorothy laughed then said, "No I mean you do not wake easily, but anyway. I have a big news for you," 

"What?" I said, yawning.

Dorothy's news are always killing me. They are nothing or rubbish. Always they're rubbish...

"Guess who wants to go with you on a date?" She said, excitedly.

"Is he the new guy who just graduated who's working at Starbucks downtown?" I asked excitedly, hopping from my bed.

"What? No! Why always you look at old guys?" Dorothy asked.

I felt disappointed. He's really cute and I like this type. He gave me once free coffee and muffin. He was so nice to me. But it must be a guy from our school or at the same of our age. I mean a 'teenager'

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