The baby

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She trembled as she held the pregnancy test in her hand. The result would forever change her life and the life blooming in her uterus. The door slammed as she threw the test in the trash hiding it from view. Her husband slammed the bathroom door open and sneared at her. His raspy voice questioned " Where is my dinner bitch?"
She froze in fear, with the worry of the pregnancy she forgot. She immediately protected her unborn child he rose his hand to her and spat "Your getting fat."
Before his fists rained down on he her. She cried as she protected their child. That is when she made the final decision that this baby would never, ever live in this hatred. He would never know that he had created life, and almost destroyed it. By some miracle his assault completely missed her unborn child. She managed to keep the baby away from her husband's cruel ways and he didn't even notice she was pregnant the only attention that he gave her was when he was beating her, until she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Mindful that she could not bring the baby home she left him swaddled near a garbage can. Sobbing the whole way home but knowing its better then being in a household with a father that would kill you.

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