November 5, 2016

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The girls and I hung out at Julia's dorm tonight. We played truth or dare and ate a crap load of sweets.

When it was my turn to ask someone truth or dare, I was unbelievably tempted to force Julia to tell the truth about what happened between her and Grace. But I knew a silly game wouldn't be enough to bring the truth to light, so I decided to do a dare instead. "Read us a juicy entry of your diary."

Julia and the others laughed, and then Maia told me that Julia doesn't keep a diary.

Julia went on to explain that she's tried over the years but found that she sucks at making it a habit, but I barely heard her. An idea was forming.

She says she doesn't keep a diary. And maybe she doesn't. But if her friends and I were to happen to find one that preyed on each of their insecurities...


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