December 2, 2016

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I was leaving English when Maia caught up to me, looking flustered and upset. She'd seen the pictures. "I can't believe I was ever friends with her," she seethed. She ranted on and on about how all of their memories were lies and how both Julia and Marc were dead to her.

"And poor Todd," she said. "I saw them fighting this morning. God, she's such a horrible person."

I did my best to mask my triumph with a sympathetic frown. I think I pulled it off. I mean, if I hadn't, she would have questioned me, right? Then again, this is Maia we're talking about.

I asked her if she told Todd about what she read in the journal. Apparently, she hadn't planned on it, but after what happened today, she'd changed her mind. "He deserves to know."

Here's to hoping that this was enough to convince Julia to tell me—and the hospital—the truth. I just want Grace to come home.

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