November 25, 2016

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I decided that the quickest route to destroying Julia's relationship with her boyfriend, Todd, is to Photoshop some pictures to make it look like she's cheating on him and then post them around campus.

It's not like I'll be lying. Not really. She has been cheating. There's just no proof, and I'm not about to sit around and wait for some to come to light.

Luckily, I'm damn good at Photoshop. I kind of have to be, if I want to work in design, don't I?

I can't use her Facebook photos because that would be unbelievably obvious, so I'll have to take some around campus. Of course, that means I have to wait until vacation is over and follow her around, but it'll be worth it.

Sure, there's the chance that her boyfriend won't believe the pictures, but then Maia will be there, ready to corroborate the story that Julia's a liar and a boyfriend stealer. Julia will try to fight it, obviously, but I'm hoping that Todd is the kind of guy that can't deny the proof in front of his eyes.

There's just the question as to who the guy should be. I could find someone on the Internet, but pictures could be limited.

Oh! Marc. He's an asshole anyway, and, besides, maybe he'll want to get back at Julia for ending his relationship with Maia.

Sounds like a plan to me.

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