November 13, 2016

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Maia and Marc broke up again (he had, yet again, shoved his tongue down another girl's throat), so this meant that we had to go to his frat party tonight. None of us wanted to, but she was determined, and we had to go to because that's what BFF's are for, right?

Julia was the most adamant about Maia staying home and watching a movie, but Maia shot her down. I had to hide a smile when I saw that this frustrated her. Awesome—something I can put in the diary that won't be a lie.

So we went. While we were there, Maia kept her distance but made sure Marc knew she was there. He definitely did, but I guess it wasn't enough to keep him from kissing Julia.

Yeah, you heard me. Marc and Julia kissed.

Maia was hysterical. Of course, she didn't even think to blame Julia and immediately directed her anger toward Marc. And might I say, she can scream.

He tried to say he wasn't the initiator. He was desperate for her to see. But she didn't believe him.

At first, neither did I. But then Julia made her way over to us, a flustered expression on her face, and said, "Do you think she believes us now?" The way she said it, like she was secretly triumphant, and the way her lips twitched, barely concealing a smile, changed my mind. She was behind this. I knew it.

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