Dalton & Death Threats

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A/N: Hello! Sorry I haven't posted lately, there's not realy an excuse, just life I guess. I've decided that Kurt & Blaine are both Juniors, just for the purpose of my story! Also, the beginning og the chapter might seem kinda rushed or whatever, but I really needed to get Blaine out of McKinley! Please review, comment, favorite, follow, etc! I love feedback! :)    -J 


            It’s been two weeks since the Karofsky incident and the bullying is getting progressively worse. I would try talking to my parents, but they are too busy to listen or do anything about it.  I have decided standing up for myself only makes matters worse, so I’ve quit. Glee club is the only time I really feel safe.

            I reach my locker at the end of the day, ready to go sing, and find a note inside, that read Meet me behind the bleachers, 3:10. – DK

            Checking the time, I see that I only have about five minutes to get out there. I consider not going, but decide it would be worse to stand Karofsky up than to go. I close my locker and head towards the field.

            Once I get there, I look around, making sure there isn’t an ambush or something. But I don’t see anything suspicious.

            “You came.”

Karofsky walks up, giving me a threatening glare. This is the look he usually gives when he’s about to punch me. Great.

Feeling a strange amount of courage, I respond “What do you want Karofsky? I don’t have time for this.”

“Yeah, I know, you need to get back to homo explosion. But, I just wanted to get a message across to you.”

I stare at him, waiting for the supposed message.

“I don’t like you waving your gay in my face. I don’t like your glee club. So I’d really like it to stop.”

What the heck? This is the stupidest thing. “You know what Dave, I don’t really care what you want. You’ve been nothing but awful to me, so why should I care?”

“Because. If you don’t, I might have to kill you.”

“Excuse me?” My head is exploding with thoughts, and I feel overwhelmed.

“I said, if you don’t stop being so you, I might just have to kill you. But don’t ” With that he send me on last jeer and walks away.

I sit down, unable to make any thoughts that are logical. I don’t know how long I sit there, but eventually I get up and head towards my car and drive home.


The first thing I want to do when I get home is call Kurt. But I’m not sure what to say and I really don’t want him to worry about me, so I don’t.

I lay on my bed for a while, thinking about solutions. I’m pretty sure Karfosky was just bluffing and trying to scare me, but I really can’t see myself going back to that school. At least it’s a Friday, so I have all weekend to figure something out.

The first option I have is to ignore that it ever happened and just keep going with my life. But the bullying has gotten so bad, I really just don’t want to go to McKinley. I need somewhere new.

Maybe I could be homeschooled. That way I’m the only one around, so no one to bully me. But who would teach me? My parents are both bust lawyers and don’t have time to talk to me now, let alone give me schooling. So that’s not an option either.

The one idea that keeps nagging at me is Dalton Academy. They have a zero tolerance policy, a glee club, high-level classes, Kurt…. It would be a dream come true. And right now, it seems like the only thing that can help me.

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