Just Friends?

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Author's Note: Wow, it's been  awhile. I'm sorry for the delay. I'm going to try and never let that happen again. I've been reinspired for this story and am determined to finish it (and my other story, which will be updated soon as well). My computer has been gone for awhile, and the hardrive got wiped (added to the delay) but now it's back and I'm motivated! Remeber, Kurt = Bold, Blaine = regular. This is a long hapter, hopefully makes up for some of the wait! Thanks to all of you lovely readers who have stuck with it! 


Just Friends? 

 Just as quickly as Blaine is pulling me in for the hug, I’m pulling out of it. I need to keep my wits about me, and while it feels good to be in his embrace, I could easily get distracted.

“I’m so sorry,” we both begin to say, at almost the exact time. Blaine holds a finger up, gesturing for me to be quiet, and he starts talking.

            “Kurt, I truly apologize for the way I’ve been treating you. It isn’t right. I really haven’t known what to say, but that’s no excuse. Even with all the awkward, we’re best friends, which means we have to fight for each other. No matter how uncomfortable the situation might be. If you would prefer we continue to keep our distance-

            “No. I certainly don’t” I interrupt him, because that’s the last thing I would want. Being away from Blaine, no matter what the circumstances, would hurt. “I completely forgive you, too. It’s my fault really. I shouldn’t have told you that, or thrown myself on you, and been such a mess. I’m kind of in not the best place right now,” I finish, ducking my head. I feel vulnerable and suddenly like maybe talking with Blaine isn’t such a good idea. I might make things worse, by saying the wrong thing.

            I look up to see him shaking his head at my words. “Kurt, no. This is not your fault at all. You should have the right to be honest with your friend without them freaking out. Not that I freaked out. I was just surprised.”

            Blaine rambles nervously, and bites his lip, looking a little uncertain as well, but adorably so. “Stop it,” I chastise myself, trying to think very platonic thoughts. No more using adorable to describe Blaine.

            “It’s understandable. I wasn’t supposed to develop a crush on you, I’m supposed to be just your friend.”

            Blaine looks like he wants to say something at this, but doesn’t. So I continue. “What if we just agree from here on out, that we keep a little more space, until we feel comfortable again? And no more touching, unless it’s in a neutral way. I just… I don’t think I can be like we were before, at least not right now.”

            Blaine agrees with me, willingly. In reality, I would love it if Blaine and I could be like that, but it’s obvious he doesn’t like me back, and I don’t want to make him uncomfortable.

            From here, we decide to go our separate ways, promising to go out for coffee the next afternoon, when I know Sebastian won’t be working at the Lima Bean. Just as Blaine turns to go, Nick comes strolling in, but he doesn’t look particularly happy.

            “Glad you finally swallowed your stupid pride,” he spits out, giving Blaine a disgusted look.

            Blaine looks down at his shoes; his mood suddenly somber and I know that something’s going on between these two. Nick makes a few more rude and abrasive comments as Blaine shuffles out the door, before turning to me and saying, “Please don’t tell me you forgave that jerk.”

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