The Lima Bean

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A/N: Hey guys! So, to make up for not posting a lot lately, here is a small little chapter to sorta make up for it. I will post a regular size chapter either tonight or tomorrow, but for now, here's a little something! :) Please let me know what you think & if you have any ideas for the story, I love to hear them!\


“Warblers, today, the first item of business will be haring the audition of a potential new member. Please be polite, and welcome Blaine Anderson.” I roll my eyes at how formal Wes is being, as usual, but clap enthusiastically for Blaine! Nick and I stopped by his dorm last night and secured him an audition for this week.

            Blaine has been at Dalton for the past three days, and it has been great. It’s really nice having my best friend next to me in class, not on my electronics. Monday night we had a nice heart to heart, and he told me the bullying had gotten so bad he couldn’t stay there any longer. This seemed like a good reason to me, but something felt off. Later, as we were watching America’s Next Top Model, the full story came out.

            I promised not to tell anyone. Because if Blaine feels upset about it there is no reason for me to bring him any more stress about the issue. He seems to be doing really good though, and everyone gets along with him, which is nice.

            I focus in right as Blaine walks through the door. He seems nervous, so I try and give him an encouraging smile.

“Uh, hi. My name’s Blaine Anderson and I will be singing Hey Soul Sister by Train for you today.”

            Although I offered my help on the song choice, Blaine wanted to choose it himself. I think his pick is a smart one, I can definitely see Wes making an acapella arrangement out of the song. Blaine hits play on a CD, and the first notes play. Then he starts to sing, and wow. He’s amazing!

His voice is smooth and has perfect pitch. I can’t believe I’ve never heard it before. I knew he was in glee club, but I wasn’t aware he had so much talent.

Far too soon, the song is over, and I’m clapping very hard! Nick and Jeff start whistling and I Trent yells Bravo. This makes me smile, because all the boys here are so kind and happy.

Blaine gives a small nod before saying “Thank you for your time.” And then heads out the door, looking pleased with himself. The council holds a vote, and it’s unanimous – Blaine Anderson is now a Warbler.


“So, what your telling me is I now get the honor and privilege of doo wopping behind one Kurt Hummel? Sounds pretty awesome to me.” Blaine teases. We are meeting up at a coffee shop, The Lima Bean, for lunch today, and as soon as I saw Blaine I told him he had made it.

“Well, I don’t always get the solos! Nick has quite a few too, and with your performance, I old see you getting a fair share.” I bump his shoulder playfully as we move up to the counter.

“Hello, what can I get for you today, hot stuff?” The boy behind the counter says with a wink. I look at Blaine, seeing how he will respond.

“No no, pretty boy, I was talking to you”

I look his way with a confused expression. What? I decide to ignore it and just order my coffee.

“I’ll have a grande non-fat mocha please.”

“Coming right up,” the boy behind the counter says, winking at me again. I feel annoyed with his obviousness.

“I’ll have a medium drip please, thanks for asking.” Blaine says agitatedly.

“Relax hobbit, I was getting to you.” Blaine makes a sour face but ignores the comment as well. We go find a table and both forget about the boy as we make small talk. Until he comes over with our coffees.

“Here you go boys. Enjoy,” He says with a smirk, and then walks off.

“God, some people can be so cocky.” Blaine says, obviously irritated.

“I know, the nerve. And he’s definitely not my type. I go for kind and real, not sly and self-absorbed.”

            The rest of our coffee hour goes by smoothly, and we talk the whole time. It’s amazing, with Blaine, I never run out of anything to talk about. I think we could spend eternity just talking, and still be interested in each other. Its really nice having that connection with someone.

            I’m so engrossed in the conversation, I almost don’t notice what is written on my coffee cup. As I go to throw it away, I notice a something scrawled on it in black pen, which looks a bit too long to be “Kurt Hummel”

            Looking closely at the cup, I see a phone number, written in black ink, with only one explanation attached. Next to the number is “Call me. –Sebastian”         

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