Boy Drama

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry the chapter is so short, it’s kinda just a filler. The next one should be up soon though! As usual, please review & favorite! Thanks (:


            “Blaine! Thank god you answered, I’ve been calling all weekend, I was beginning to think you were avoiding me,” Rachel says on the other end of the phone. That’s because I was.

            “Oh sorry, I stayed at Kurt’s and didn’t have a phone charger until today.” It’s a lie, which I don’t feel good about but I don’t want to get on the bad side of Rachel.

            “No worries! Well, I was thinking we could talk about Friday night?” I have no idea what to say.

            “What about it?”

            Rachel huffs, obviously annoyed. “Well Blaine, if you don’t remember correctly, you and I had quite the night. We were practically a couple.” I groan and Rachel says “What? Is there something wrong with that?”

            “Yes, Rachel. I’m gay.”

            “I know but at the party, you were kissing me and flirting, I thought maybe you enjoyed it too?” I can hear the hope in her voice.

            “That’s because I was drunk. And it was my first kiss so I guess I just got into it. I’m sorry though,” I apologize and truly mean it. It’s not Rachel’s fault.

            “Ok, I guess I can accept that. You tease!” she says and laughs. I laugh too, glad it wasn’t too much of a problem. “You wanna know something?” she says quietly.


            “I was calling to ask you on a date today.”

            “Oh Rachel, I’m sorry.” I can hear her sniffling on the other end. “This isn’t about me, is it?” She then starts crying a little louder. I remember her clinging onto Finn and realize she must be upset about their break-up. “Listen to me. You are a beautiful girl and I know you and Finn have something special, but it’ just high school.  Maybe just focus on yourself for a while, ok?”

            “Yeah-yeah I know. Sometimes I just feel like no one really wants me.” I feel so sad for my friend, because she really is an amazing person. We talk for a little bit more, and then she says she has to go to bed, so I hang up.

            Although things are now patched up between Rachel and I, Kurt and I still have awkwardness between is I would like to fix.


            Once again I find myself spending a Friday night at Rachel’s. She called me, sounding upset earlier in the week and Mercedes and I agreed to come over tonight and hang out with her.

            This week has been tough on me too, for a number of reasons. First of all, Blaine has been acting weirdly around me. He doesn’t seem loos like usual and I catch him looking at me sadly all the time. And to make matters worse, we are performing for the Red Hat society in two weeks and I didn’t get a single lead or solo.  In fact, the lead in both songs went to Blaine. Which just increases the already palpable tension between the two of us.  Another reason is Sebastian. I cancelled our date tonight and moved it to tomorrow, and he was less than pleased. The third issue is a mix of both the boys. I can’t decide on how I really feel for either of them.

            Sebastian is so fun and exciting, and always makes me feel special from his compliments. And I really like kissing him and having someone to call mine. But I don’t know if I really like him or want to spend lots of time with him. Which is kinda an issue.

Roles Reversed: A Klaine FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now