Blame It On The Alcohol

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Author's Note: Hey guys! Another update hurray!

So, last chapter I think I said Blaine was in Hawaii but NO

He was actually in the Caribbean! Sorry about that :)

Also, I know that Silly Love Songs comes 1st but in my story Blame It On The Alcohol is first! So yeah :)

Please review! Thanks


I’m glad to be back at Dalton after winter break. Being in the Caribbean was fun and warm and I got to see my brother, Cooper, which was nice but I like being here best. And I haven’t been in contact with anyone for the past coupe weeks so I’m really excited to see them! I got here but Kurt is supposedly coming back in an hour according to Nick.

            Right now, he, Wes, and I are chilling I the commons, being the only three Warblers back yet. We’ve been playing board games and just joking around, so before I know it, Kurt is here!

            When he walks in I run over and engulf him in a hug. “Kurt! I’ve missed you!” He hugs me back briefly then laughs and pulls away.

            “Hi Blaine! HI guys!”  he says and waves towards the others. “I missed you too. How was your trip?”

            I fill him in on the details of my vacation quickly then ask him how his break is. “Well, up until the last week, besides Christmas and stuff, it was pretty boring. Everyone was gone, but I ended up making a new friend!” He says sitting down.

            I smile because that’s good for him. Kurt’s friends are mainly just in the Warblers, while I have friends at McKinley too, so it’s nice to here he has other people too.

            We settle back into the game with Kurt just watching and talking. I notice that he starts texting about 10 minutes in and figure it’s just his dad or Jeff or something. But then at one of the text he starts giggling and blushing, and then a few minutes later he does this again. So I decide to ask him who he’s texting.

            His eyes get wide for a second, but then he says, “Uh, just the friend I made. He’s really funny.”

            He? I was expecting it to be a girl, just because Kurt said at his old school all his friends were girls.

            “Do I know him?” I say, and want to kick myself. I’m obviously being snoopy and Kurt will notice.

            He seems hesitant before answering but finally says, “Yeah, actually. It’s kinda funny, but it’s um, Sebastian Smythe? He’s a barista at the Lima Bean, goes to Carmel High….” Kurt trails off and all three of us stare at him with an open mouth.

            Wes is the first to speak. “Kurt, that’s fraternizing with the enemy! We might be up against them at Regionals again, he’s probably just using you for information.

            I’m still not sure what to say, because I remember him as the guy that was coming on to Kurt a couple weeks ago. Maybe he’s different… I hope so.

            I focus on Kurt as he says “… And he didn’t even know I was in the Warblers when we started talking! So seriously guys, it’s not like that. All he knows is that I’m singing a duet for regionals, that’s ALL. He doesn’t even know what song.”

            Nick looks relieved but Wes still seems flustered. He finally says “Ok Kurt, I trust you. Just use your best judgment.”

            Nick and Kurt start to laugh and I halfheartedly join in. I have a few questions of my own I’d like to ask.

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