#10 - Ditto Day

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"Morning," Pyro said in a hushed voice as he entered the kitchenette. "Didn't you sleep at all?"

Azalea eyed him suspiciously before giving him the curt answer she had given yesterday. "I'm fine."

"Not what I asked."

She watched Pyro as he went about making his breakfast. Something bugged her about the routine but she couldn't place it.

"I'm aware." She switched topics. "You seem to be in a good mood."

Pyro D glanced at the still sleeping Cayce, then finished pouring Azalea a glass of tea. "I'm happy seeing you again. Guy is a bit of a dick but if dealing with him is the price I have to pay so be it." He handed her the glass. "Caffeine probably isn't the way to go if you want to try to sleep soon but actually I was hoping you'd join me today. But if you want to rest-"

"Wait," Azalea said quickly, cutting him off. "Join you?"

"Only if you want to. I get to speak at a school today about tolerance and-"

He continued talking but Azalea wasn't following any of it. She finally realized what bothered her. It wasn't that he was making himself breakfast, but that his movements were the exact same as before, like a replayed movie scene with minor script changes. Blinking rapidly didn't make the weird sensation disappear. Exhaustion. This would be her third day without sleep, perhaps it had all caught up with her. It would figure that she stopped hearing the voice in her head only to then lose her mind.

"So? Will you suit up and come with me? Azalea?" Pyro waved his hand in front of her face.

She started to answer, then caught a glimpse of Cayce out of the corner of her vision. His finger twirled in the air, the universal sign of insanity.

"Can Cayce go?" Azalea asked cautiously.

Pyro D appeared annoyed for a split second, but covered it up with a forced pleasantness. "Of course he can."

"One moment." She stood and started toward the entrance. "Up," she said to Cayce. "We need to talk outside."

The two stepped outside the door, making sure it was closed before either spoke.

Cayce's voice was low and harsh, his senses foggy. "He can't be serious. What school would even let any of us on the property after yesterday?"

"I'm pretty sure all children in Verde Valley now have restraining orders against the lot of us." Azalea shifted her weight from one leg to the other, anxious. "I'm just going to say it. I was watching Pyro this morning and it was beyond deja vu. I think we are reliving yesterday."

"You know," Cayce said, running a hand through his mohawk. "I woke up with this really bad feeling and you talking crazy isn't helping."

"That's fine. I'm not sure I believe myself. There is one way to find out."

When they pulled into the elementary school parking lot, the nightmare was realized. It wasn't possible. They entered the building, exchanging equally apprehensive expressions as the principal made his way over to them. The routine was the same.

Az leaned in close to Cayce. "Any urge to make a stripper comment?"

He shook his head. "Not really. If this is a time loop then we are outside of it."

"Maybe because we are idols?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he surveyed the gymnasium. "No idea. I can't think straight anyway."

Pyro D cleared his throat and the two were drawn out of their speculation. "Let's hit half court already."

All three took their places as the crimson vigilante started his speech.

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