Like The Old Days

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Shania P.O.V

Two Weeks Later:

Today Is the day we come back to my home Atlanta oh my gosh I'm so happy I may get to see my old friends. Me and Jacob aren't a thing YET. He is doing good so far He treats me like I'm his well basically I am but not officially. I still miss Michael but I also know I need to get over it, I also wrote a song about him I kinda opulled a Taylor Swift on him just a bit. Bout time I get bout time I get from tour Daya will be 2 my little baby is growing up so fast I got about 2 months on this tour and We are officially done. Today we have two off days in Atlanta and performing Three times twice in three days. As soon as we got to the hotel we put all out stuff in our area. Curshonda walked in Me and Jacob .

"Shania Jason asked if Me, you, and Anijah can kick it with him.?" Jacob looked at me confused.

"He's an old friend"

"Stop playing that's your ex Shania" I gave Curshonda a death glare look."Hey whats a relationship without trust?" She said mumbling while walking away. I looked at Jacob as he was staring at me.

"Who is he?" Jacob asked.

"My ex but were cool now it's like brother and sister thing." He got up walking to the bathroom.

"whatever I guess" I followed him into the bathroom sitting on the sink.

"What's your problem- oh wait Smiles. your jealous" He shook his head." Yes you are and you know it"I teased.

"No I am not do you we aren't dating remember?" I fold my arms.

"I guess whatever bye" I said flipping my hair walking out but he grabbed my arm.

"No please don't go" he begged I turned my head smiling. He grabbed two of my arms pulling me to him causing our arms to lock. He rocked us back and forth. I smiled at the thought of us Dating it sound really good.


"Yeah" I let go facing him looking him deeply in the eye. He held my hands he didn't smile cause he knew this a serious moment.

"Jacob I want us to be a thing" He smiled pecking my lips I put my index finger on his lips to make him stop. "but"

"Aw man there is a but to this?" He complained.

"Yes but I want you to be committed to this relationship no flirting, nor cheating cause if it happen I promise before living god I will straight leave yo ass Me and Daya are out so please don't do it to your self Jacob" I was serious as ever.

"I promise I swear I will be committed to this relationship" I walked away he grabbed my arms again a kissed me deeply running his hands through my hair.

"I'll take that as a no" We both looked at Curshonda I shook my head giggling "and I take it as you and Jacob are officially an Item also" We both nod. "Well me and Anijah are out"

"Wait how does Craig and Rayan feel about y'all going?" Jacob asked. She paused.

"They don't know about it" I said.

"Well what they don't know won't hurt them." I looked at her side ways.

"What Is a relationship with out trust?" I said mocking her. She flipped me off.

"Whatever bye" she left I looked at Jacob seeing him smile nodding his head. I held his face pecking his lips he picked me up putting me on the Bathroom counter as Our kissing got deeper It was like tension in the air. I leaned on the sink he was in between my thighs rubbing them he brought my waist closer to him while my shoulders was still on the mirror. He kissed my jaw line to my neck He picked me up placing me in the room on the bed...

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