what the fuck am i doing with my life?

5 0 0

The next morning, Shotty awoke in an unfamiliar bed, looking around for their sisters. Shotty called out.
No answer.
"Firearm??(aka Peggy ;3)"

Shotty slowly got up, feeling a slight pain in her head. Before she could investigate this pain any further, Alexander walked into the room holding a tea kettle and two cups of china.
"Oh shit whaddup" Alexander gleefully said.
"Hello, Alexander. What happened?"
"You fainted and hit your head on the wall in an alleyway when...never mind all that. What matters now is how you're feeling. Are you doing alright?"
Shotty nodded. Alexander handed them a cup of tea.
"Take a fuckin sip, babe."
Shotty did just that, drinking what she thought was tea, but it was really just coffee with ton of whiskey in it.
"Ty." They responded.

They spent the rest of the day there, patiently waiting for Shotty's condition to get better. The day turned into night, so Alexander asked if she would like to spend the night.
"Sure why not :0" Shotty shrugged.

Alexander Hamilton X His ShotWhere stories live. Discover now